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Re: AAAaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! New Key again!

Even if it actively looks for changes, there were none! What's it going to do just uninstall and reinstall something at random? Drive Image puts it back right down to your desktop settings, explorer history, mouse sensitivity, everything. If you didn't defrag before the backup, the thing would put …

Re: AAAaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! New Key again!

Yeah, I just meant it was not even powered down like you would do to replace hardware, just rebooted. I don't know what would change in XP during a restore from and image of that very Windows XP install that would cause Glidos to decide it needs to die! This is my point. I'd sure like to know …

AAAaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! New Key again!

I kid you not! I was trying out a boatload of video capture software and drivers etc. Long story short one or two of them made me feel.....unclean like they were interfering with my other software. I like a pristine registry. ;) So I whip out my Drive Image backup (clone) of the that very install of …

Re: Just a suggestion

Could be The memory buffer thing but I don't compress on the fly. That would really kill it. Hell, about 2 minutes of capture at 320x240, 15 FPS is about 1.5 - 2 gigs! I use Camtasia Studio. What it does is dump the capture in a temp file and when you stop capturing it spends some time interleaving …

Re: Just a suggestion

I wanted to run it in a 320x240 window before. Reason? To capture it and make a video. I've yet to find a way to capture 640x480. It's just too much for current CPU's I think. It's nothing important, just one reason why someone would want to do it.

Re: PIT Perfect

The keyboard input loss? That is a strange one. It seems random, but I don't think it is. If I have started Glidos/Tomb Raider and stopped it a time or 3 without rebooting my PC it seems to happen. Also if I "rush" it and Escape past the opening Logos and Movie it seems to increase the chance of it. …

Re: PIT Perfect

Shadow> Trash your settings.dat file, TR will build a fresh one. The old file was created during the DOS installation of the game and isn't fully compatible with the Glide executable. Excellent! Shadow fixed. Thanks. That is weird because the new file and the old one appear identical in Notepad, …

Re: PIT Perfect

After playing a few levels with 1.21, ControlJudderFix: 1: 1. The sound during the in-game cutscenes got delayed by about 2 or 3 seconds. This delay carried over in to the game after level 5 loaded so everything was off time. Game over. 2. When level 5 loaded, the camera was all zoomed in too close …

Re: VDMSound Update (from "Pit Perfect")

Oh yeah! About VDMSound and that patch/update for it. I use "VDMSound-2.0.4-WinNT-i386.msi". If I add the update, it causes problems. It's been a while since I did it, so I've forgotten exactly what the problem was. Stuttering sound? Scratchy sound? Tip of the Day popping up even when disabled? All …

Re: PIT Perfect

I'm probably too late to this, but for what it's worth here's what I got so far from just a quick test: Tomb Raider 1 only P4 2.4 CPU Asus P4S533-E with Evil VISA breaking SIS chipset (offending SIS AGP driver not installed). Windows XP Pro SP1 Geforce 4 Ti4400 with Nvidia 43.45 Glidos v 1.20: Runs …

Re: This @#$% &^#@ Registration Scheme

.......and while I've got you here, I notice your Windows 2K/XP installation instructions on the main page are the same as always. I'm surprised you don't hear a lot of WTF's about this. E: cd \ dosdrv install.exe I'm not sure what the deal is, but this won't install anything with the 2 versions of …

Re: This @#$% &^#@ Registration Scheme

The Vesa support is great, even if it what causes the one problem, because it's not real common and usually works. If you remember the problem I had even installing TR1 on my new PC because of, I assume, the broken VESA support on my machine? Glidos was the ONLY way I could run TR1 at that point …

Re: This @#$% &^#@ Registration Scheme

Confirmed. Glidos is still "in your network". Experiment: Go disable your network card, you don't even have to remove it or change it out with another one. Glidos breaks. More bugs that do not occur running without Glidos: Causes loss of keyboard input. Worse in newer versions. Causes game to start …

Re: This @#$% &^#@ Registration Scheme

"Your software developers"? Paul is your employee now? Yes, others have complained. Why there aren't more complaints is because there aren't that many people that even use Glidos. Many who won't buy it because of the things I complain about. Yes the change detection algorythms ARE EXACTLY that …

Re: This @#$% &^#@ Registration Scheme

Shout at all those on the net that just steal software at every opportunity, and make stupid schemes like my unlock system essential. Protection schemes like this that break software they paid for.......is EXACTLY why people like me go looking to "steal" it. It's catch 22 isn't it? The only way I …

Re: This @#$% &^#@ Registration Scheme

Well, since the last key, the only thing I can think that I changed was my Nvidia drivers. Why on Earth should that break Glidos? Tying the keys to the system is one thing, but I really think you have tied it way too tightly. It's rendered it useless to me and anyone who tinkers with PC's at all, …

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