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Re: Online copies of games are not owned

or whether the content ("game world") was actually all online. I understood it was more like the latter (i.e., if the server is down - there is no world, and nothing to play). Nope, all the game was downloaded to your device. Only the community features required strictly to be online, the rest was …

Re: Online copies of games are not owned

It's value is that the consumer has a convenient library of movies that they have access to. I can do it myself. I'd love to be able to buy movies digitally DRM-free to load it onto my self-made NAS and stream it for myself through Jellyfin. While I believe that the costs to enter the housing …

Re: Online copies of games are not owned

I have no idea what this would be related to some creationist wedge strategy that you linked. The method. Just one foot in the door to establish a presence and normalize the situation then work from there. That aside, I don't think there is any reason to believe that this would cause the entire …

Re: Why The Internet Archive Is In Danger Right Now...

Everyone is to blame from the very top all the way to the bottom as far as why we are where we are at as far as preservation. Those who infringe copyright better have the money and lawyers to back it up especially when they consistently do so. IMO, it should be regulated and just like you have a …

Re: Online copies of games are not owned

I hate subscriptions for individual games or software (looking at you Adobe), but I actually really like Xbox Game Pass. It's far cheaper than buying games and I rarely replay any newer games, so I'm not really missing out by not owning them. For anything retro, I'd rather own it though. Game Pass …

Re: What would you do different?

In the 90s I was between the ages of almost 0 to almost 10. I probably wouldn't have done anything differently. Living in the rural parts of a country that just got it's freedom back after half a century of soviet occupation in a not particularly wealthy family even with all the knowledge about …

Re: Bought these games today

You got Halo 4 but not Reach? Well, I wanted to get the mainline entries first. Both ODST and Reach are on my wanted list, so I will eventually grab them as well. Not sure how they fit into the plot though, as I still need to check which order I should be playing the games in. From what I gather, …

Re: Bought these games today

Joseph_Joestar wrote on 2024-04-30, 11:11: Halo.jpg Getting ready for my first playthrough of the Halo series. I might also grab the original version of Halo CE, as I heard that the Anniversary Edition isn't quite as good. You got Halo 4 but not Reach?

Re: Online copies of games are not owned

That's only part of the story. First, a lot of game, if you want the full package cost already more than 70. Star Wars Fallen order is already 90€ for the Deluxe Edition and Assassin's Creed Valhalla is 140€ for the Complete Edition. At the same time digital content delivery platforms decreased …

Re: Online copies of games are not owned

Plus if you want to sell physical media it’s much more expensive and difficult to do so which adds its own problems and passes on higher costs to consumers Transitioning to digital distribution didn't decrease the price of new releases. They are more expensive then ever. The real problem is piracy …

Re: Online copies of games are not owned

gog does at least get old games working on modern systems, and steam is just a distributor which they just download the files and you get the exe without i guess installing much Updating games for modern systems can be very annoying if you want to run them on period correct hardware. Though running …

Re: Online copies of games are not owned

Nothing new there. I don't even consider game libraries on online contend delivery platforms a collection. And Ubisoft have been on my black list since about 2014 (2 years after I blacklisted EA) for being anti-consumer. If they had a shred of decency they'd made an offline update and left the game …

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