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Re: Table Fog & 8-bit Paletted Textures

One interesting thing left to try is: Will the fog work in the Thief2 demo using Windows XP and the newer drivers? I'm really curious if that fixes it. I might try that in the following days and post the result here. ... BTW, I remember not being able to install Catalyst 7.11 on my Radeon 9250. The …

Re: Sound Card for Pentium 3 Build

rodimus80 wrote on 2019-01-30, 05:48: Mind you, and correct me if I am wrong, but Audigy ZS requires DirectX 9 and my Late Windows 98 build sticks with DirectX 8 and my early Windows 98 sticks with DirectX 7. Can anybody confirm that Audigy 2 (I guess was meant) ZS requires DirectX 9?

Re: Windows 98 and latest drivers

All cards except the graphics card of course! The website is https://www.retrohardware-reviews.de . On every mainboard review of that site you'll find a section in which the author (from the German Voodooalert.de-forum) describes his findings regarding INT routing, IRQ sharing etc. and resulting …

Re: Windows 98 and latest drivers

@rain: Resource conflict possibly, like IRQ sharing. I recently read current reviews of old mainboards and the guy running that website came across strange issues like yours. He figured most of them out by going back to basics meaning having all AGP/PCI-cards out of the system when installing …

Re: DOSBox ECE (for Windows & Linux)

@stanwebber: Great work and thanks very much for also sharing the result! What's the performance like on the two systems you mentioned as your test beds. Does a trusty old P3 850 manage to run mid-90s SVGA DOS games or only older ones (up to which point roughly) and how does the Athlon 1.7 manage …

Re: DOSBox ECE (for Windows & Linux)

Thanks very much for ECE! I think it was the most widely used DOSBox variant in retro sim racing circles. I just read that it's development has come to an end, which is sad, but luckily there are alternatives. Question is though if Staging does everything that ECE did feature-wise.

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