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Re: Looking for old TitaniumGL files

in Milliways
It's not that I will use TitaniumGL on a daily basis. I just wanted to know what the change is... TitaniumGL focuses to run stuff fast, enjoyably and reliably on semi-old computers. Perfecting the pixel- or effect accuracy is not within the goals of the project. There are different projects made by …

Re: Looking for old TitaniumGL files

in Milliways
BEEN_Nath_58 wrote on 2023-08-24, 14:17: The game doesn't look quite right, can you verify: This is how quake2 looks with titaniumgl. Proper looks can be achieved if legacy sgis multitexturing is enabled - but its blocked due to serious performance issues when using it.

Re: Looking for old TitaniumGL files

in Milliways
Btw can you tell how you implemented to run Quake2 on this? I can't see the game using it at all and instead moving to the Microsoft Standard ICD and the file is not in use. Did you modify any file? Which one? The game should use it, if you put the proper opengl32.dll file (windows 32 bit version) …

Re: Looking for old TitaniumGL files

in Milliways
The current version supports officially up to Windows7. Both 32 and 64 bit version applications are supported. I have never seen windows 11, and never personally used windows 10 or windows 8, but the older versions are certainly not the way to go on a modern system.

Re: Looking for old TitaniumGL files

in Milliways
I don't recommend to use older releases. There are reason why i wipe them from the net: bugous, unstable... some versions have DRM which doesn't even works any more. Some of my domain names where titaniumgl tries to connect to initialize its drm, are not even under my control since years, and they …

Re: Stuffing new Win98SE computer: ideas?

Well, on two Win98SE systems, 7Zip seems to have a problem with extracting to a different drive: the files appear in the folder containing the original archive file. Also, it occasionally locks up when I compress files using the LZMA2 compression technique--or maybe that's just the command-line …

Re: TitaniumGL

@Geri, I was testing Abashera Revamped with TitaniumGL and it has problems. Can you check out what's up with it? Its a free game accessible here: http://www.caiman.us/scripts/fw/f2203.html I will put the game to the test software pack, and will take a look when i will create a next version. It …

Re: TitaniumGL

there are plans to make it work with dgvoodoo2 d3d9 dll's? Yes. I spoke with dege about this, but mostly about the d3d7 backend. He said he will test it (he probably didnt tested it yet). I will also test to see whats going on, eventually. Currently i have no information about dgvoodoo …

Re: TitaniumGL

https://i.imgur.com/p12viI7.jpg https://i.imgur.com/Z2l421c.jpg 2023, 07. Bugfix and new Win95/98/Direct3D7 backend -New DirectX 7 based Win98 test version released for old DX5/6/7 era graphics cards. -Small bugfixes in light and material code. -Fixed bugs with point and line rendering. -Added …

Re: Intel Arc used in System Requirements by CD Project

in Milliways
robertmo wrote on 2023-06-15, 09:21: i guess no dev gonna uses Moore Threads though 😉 MTT (which isnt the only chinese gpu manufacturer) is still in experimental/startup phase. Once they contracting with distributors and release their new generations of chips, developers will have to care about …

Re: Glide Wrapper for Nvidia Cards!

in Milliways
Amazing necro, thanks for posting results. It's amusing that they sold this as a feature when it's performance is so poor. I forgot to mention i used a Cyrix 6x86MX@2.5*100 to run this test. Croc would run at around 30 fps on this machine with a voodoo rush, so the 16 fps from TNT is quite low. It …

Re: Glide Wrapper for Nvidia Cards!

in Milliways
Here are some test after 22 years inactivity in the topic, 25 years after the release of "officially" glide-compatible Creative TNT cards: croc d3d: https://i.imgur.com/HNYPRRq.png croc glide: https://i.imgur.com/QchyQuL.png f22 l3 d3d: https://i.imgur.com/CuX92F4.png f22 l3 glide: https://i.imgur. …

Re: Older PCI gpu in newer system.

in Marvin \ Video
nvidia drivers are very buggy on pci fx 5xxx serioes, especially the newer drivers (which you would need to run it on win7) so you should really keep yourself with xp or 9x at least I am running software on the system that was made with QT 5.11 and that windows xp only works with QT up to version …

Re: AGP for Super S7 with weak VRMS?

in Marvin \ Video
The savage it came with, is probably the best card for the system. If you use win9x. Because the XP drivers of the savage4 are quite unstable. If you want to use TNT1, use a very early driver, i recommend the driver version 2.x. The tnt2 m64 is basically worse than what a voodoo1 would make in that …

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