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Re: Under a Killing Moon engine

Doom or Dark Forces are not truly 3D like UaKM. Also, I have a feeling that you are one of the "60 fps or bust gamers" if you describe it as unplayable on a 486 in SVGA, most gaming magazines of the timr describe it as playable in SVGA on a 486. In 1994 60 fps was a dream in 3D, even 30 fps was rare …

Re: Under a Killing Moon engine

That is not what I am talking about through. I am talking about the explorable 3D enviroments. It could run on a 486 in 640x480, something that Quake needs a Pentium 2 for. Basically, I am asking how a game could have had almost Counter Strike level graphics (in the interactive parts), in a realtime …

Re: Under a Killing Moon engine

That makes sense. Still, it looks amazing for 1994, better than even something like Half Life to be honest. I wonder how good could a modern story driven adventure look if these limitations were respected, maybe near photorealistic (I don't consider the graphics of modern games to be anywhere near …

Re: Radeon iGPU in 2017 intel CPU's...

in Milliways
Right. Has intel released a GPU capable of 1080p / ultra? What does that even mean? Intel GPUs have displayport and HDMI2 with 4k 60 Hz support: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2015/08/skylakes-graphics-architecture-intel-is-still-gunning-for-dedicated-gpus/ In fact, they had that before AMD did, …

Re: Soviet Era I/O card

Ampera wrote: peklop wrote: This soviet-era card was auctioned locally. But i forgot bid and wasn´t relisted. I love design of old cards. […] Show full quote This soviet-era card was auctioned locally. But i forgot bid and wasn´t relisted. I love design of old cards. 6683785909.jpg 6683785909_1.jpg …

Under a Killing Moon engine

I know UaKM has far lower levels of interactivity than say, Quake, but in the 3D parts, you can move freely and look around and it is not FMV video. How did they pull off such great graphics on 386/486 machines and why was such an engine impossible to use in FPS games? I know prerendered games are …

Re: System Shock Remake Demo

in Milliways
Very good, but as others mentioned before, the "minimum specs" are way overstated. It runs at 28-35, mostly around 30 fps for me, absolutely playable with no major dips on my old i7 875k + GTX 660 with only 6 GB of RAM.

Re: The Forgotten Noire of Internet Cafés

in Milliways
I am from a country that is far from Third World, but it is one of the best developed from the post-communist countries, but at the same time one of the economically less developed European Union countries, Slovakia (think roughly the same as Portugal economically level wise). I am from a small town …

Re: Large number thread

in Milliways
Dominius, a competition was what I was aiming for. You should read the Googology wiki to know more http://googology.wikia.com/wiki/Googology_Wiki . Your concern is valid however the goal is always to get a function that transcends all the other ones. Fast growing hierarchy is a kind of "speedometer" …

Re: Large number thread

in Milliways
Great Hierophant, nice attempt, but pi is an infinite number if you take the digits after the decimal point, and a rather small finite number if you just round it and disregard that ;) Dominus, making large numbers is an intellectual excercise. It is not easy to create truly big numbers. You need a …

Re: Large number thread

in Milliways
It's a mathematical mind exercise, a forum game. What's the point of playing 20 year old computer games? Or building machines that have been obsolete fir 15 years? Besides there are numbers much larger than mine in mathematics such as TREE(3).

Large number thread

in Milliways
Just an important first statement - This is not a spam topic, despite what one unnamed science fiction board may think. Both playing around and serious mathematical debate is encoraged. Just like xkcd forum, I'm making a "post a large number you made" thread. There are some rules: 1. No uncomputable …

System Shock 2 saves

in Milliways
Is there any way to know on which dificulty was a given SS2 save played? Sorry guys for dumb questions, it's just that I played the game a while ago, gotten a few levels in the game and don't want to start from the beginning, but I'd like to play on hard.

Re: Quake 3/4/Wars raytraced

in Milliways
The Quake III guys didn't make a true render farm either. They weren't running it 100 percent/24/7. Normally I'd agree with your criticism quoting single thread performance, but raytracing is an "embarrasingly parallel" problem - it should fly (well, comparatively to a 2004 singlecore) on a modern …

Re: Quake 3/4/Wars raytraced

in Milliways
The Passmark score for the Athlon XP 1800+ is 312. Passmark for the i7 875k is 5461. That is more than 17x more. So sorry man, but you've drastically underestimated modern CPUs. Besides it has hyperthreading so 8 threads. Thanks for the garage demo, but I've already found a better one http://www. …

Re: Quake 3/4/Wars raytraced

in Milliways
25 fps at 720p is "nutters"? Man, are you aware of the general raytracing performance? In the raytracing world, 60 PIXELS per second is considered good rendering performance, not frames. The CGI in Tranformers took 48 hours per frame to be rendered. There were frames that took around 100 hours to …

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