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First post, by prismra

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Rank Newbie

I don't know if you guys have seen this yet but someone has created a midi mapper for vista that is much easier to use than regedit.

http://akkordwechsel.de/15-windows-vista-und- … er-midi-mapper/

Direct Link:
http://putzlowitsch.de/wp-content/uploads/200 … mapper_0_91.zip

You simply select your midi device and click ok. You're done. No reboot, no hassle!

This will suffice until Microsoft pulls their head out of their ass and implements something like this in the control panel.


Rocking the following:

Roland MT-32
Roland SC-55 Sound Canvas

Reply 4 of 6, by prismra

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Rank Newbie

I don't imagine that that motherboard has a midi connection. The program allows you to select a midi port to send midi data to an external device (i.e. Roland MT-32 or other synthesizer/sound module).

Rocking the following:

Roland MT-32
Roland SC-55 Sound Canvas

Reply 5 of 6, by ThanhLoan

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Rank Newbie

My real problem is 2-fold :
1. VISTA does not have a MIDI Mapper as MIDI Output device
2. I have my M-Audio MIDIMan-Uno device installed but it does not show up as a MIDI Output device for other apllication like RealOrch (my karaoke player)
With XP, MIDI Ports are mapped my MIDIMApper and output to MS Wavetable Synthesizer.
This function is not available with VISTA anymore.