First post, by ProDigit

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Rank Newbie

I was reading a readme file on dosbox, but the "|more" command often used to pause the screen for long text, did not seem to work.

Bug?, or do I need to approach it differently within dosbox?

Reply 2 of 9, by dvwjr

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Rank Member

Or perhaps use the ever useful LIST which has been around for MS-DOS since 1983...

File attached.



  • Filename
    File size
    120.49 KiB
    File comment
    Vernon D. Buerg LIST
    File license
    Fair use/fair dealing exception

Reply 4 of 9, by TeaRex

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Rank Member

Even if you get a "more" program from another DOS,

type file.txt | more

won't work in DOSBox (without a real DOS booted) because the shell doesn't seem to support pipes.


more < file.txt

does what you want.


Reply 5 of 9, by ProDigit

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Rank Newbie

Well, the 'more' command is still not working.
Am I supposed to mount a DOS directory into the Z;\ drive (drive dosbox uses for it's command.com file);
and if so, what version should I use?
I've noted some programs are limited to their version of command.com.

I thought "|more" was a syntaxis of the 'type' command, never thought it was a separate command.
isn't there a way to display text and to break or pause the text without hacks or mods (without using the pause/break key, because the text displays too fast to effectively use the key)?

I suppose I could run an old version of Norton Commander in dosbox, that could solve the problem; or perhaps load edit.com if I'm about to load other files from dos into dosbox...

Reply 7 of 9, by TeaRex

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Rank Member

You can use any real DOS directory you want if you need MORE and other real DOS commands to be available, I believe. Certainly MS-DOS version 5.0 and newer should work. Personally I use the one from Windows 98SE. Just mount the directory into any normal drive (i.e. not Z:) and set your PATH accordingly. It is true that some DOS executables work only if they see a specific DOS version, but the DOSBox built-in command VER SET - for example "VER SET 6 22" for DOS version 6.22 - can cause DOSBox to fake any version you want. You can put all this (mounting, PATH and VER SET) in the [autoexec] section of your config file.

DOS commands that access the disk on low levels, such as FORMAT.COM, will not work that way. But most others will run without problems, incuding MORE and EDIT. If you want to run a real DOS command that has the same name as a DOSBox built-in, for example MEM, just type the full path to the real DOS command.


Reply 8 of 9, by Gamecollector

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Rank Oldbie

Even if you install msdos 5.0 external commands within DosBox - the | pipe is not supported ("dir *.* | more", as example, works as dir *.* without more).
Maybe in the next dosbox version...