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Re: Getting physfs to work

I wanted to start using physfs the other day, and it wasn't working... exact same symptoms you all describe here... so, I dug into it a little and I found a bug in the physfs patch which rendered it useless in windows: file: src/dos/drive_physfs.cpp line: ~74 content: if (strlen(basedir) > strlen( …

Re: Hq2x under DOSBox 0.65

The current anonymous CVS seems not to be updated (you can find the reasons in some other threads), so it would be a good idea to download http://pcnwstage.phys.rug.nl/dosboxcvs.tgz ...the link gives an empty tgz file :( ... what did you say it's wrong with the cvs? true, I haven't been able to …

Hq2x under DOSBox 0.65

Okay, I've been checking the source code as it ended with the scalers optimizations Harekiet put in the code. I'm glad he used some of my ideas to make DOSBox a lot faster, and I gladly found that though some optimizations I had thought are not there, most of what I suggested is; even when some of …

Re: Graphics performance boost

I haven't had the time to check the new cvs version with the functionality of my patch implemented, but I'll check it as soon as I get home by the 22nd (I'm on vacations and out of town). I'm very interested in testing it 😀

Re: Visual Studio .NET 2005 beta2

gcc (which mingw uses) does that, too. And probably better than most others, rapidly getting better. They're already quite competitive to the intel compiler. Yep, but what I meant is that it's a new feature for Visual Studio ;) plus gcc in mingw doesn't yet have x86-64 support, and that's one issue …

Re: Graphics performance boost

I'm going to be out for the holidays, so I probably won't be able to respond any posts till January. But if you find any bugs, etc. in the patch, please post them anyway, I'll read them when I’m back 😀 ...and hey, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you !!

Re: Graphics performance boost

Thought though.. Does the comparing each line of screen data to see if it has changed, add a bit of extra cpu usage on the host side? Just thinking that if it does, older machines might suffer if they are already devoting a lot of CPU to the game itself. Perhaps a full toggle is need to use old\new …

Re: Graphics performance boost

Okay, I suppose the patch is now working "perfectly" as I haven't heard anything about it from anyone since last week, so I'm ready to label RTM version the RC7, unless someone has found anything that still needs to be fixed 😀

Re: Visual Studio .NET 2005 beta2

In my patched builds, I built the CRT statically under VS8, why not have it that way in the default build configurations? In fact I built everything statically, which could probably be the best approach for most users (as only one file would be needed, and that binary file would be smaller than the …

Re: DOSBox Icon

I looked through this thread quickly and also liked the cross idea with the words. I also remembered that the original Microsoft DOS icon had some intersting colors, to make it seem more user friendly, I think. However, I can't do any 3D, which is rather popular these days, so here's a very quick …

Re: 40 Column Text Mode Issues

1. I've found two regressions - when machine=vga, and you're booting Serenia/Ulysses or AGI booters, or using the -cga or -rgb switches with DOS AGI games, the text will be corrupt. In previous CVS builds the text was fine. Here are two screenshots: That's right I've also noticed this "messed text" …

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