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Re: Fall of the DOS Era

in Milliways
Ultima Underworld was great. System Shock actually used an enhanced version of the UW engine. It's not really true to say it was technically better than Doom. They were very different engines. Ultima Underworld was tile-based, so there was a lot less flexibility with the maps. You could sort of look …

Re: Warlords 2 Deluxe Configuration

in DOS
Hmm. You should be able to change the sound config. with install.exe. Are you running it from the installed directory? I have it set to use SB16 and it works fine. Here's my dosbox.conf if it's any help (mostly it's just default settings though)... [sdl] # fullscreen -- Start dosbox directly in …

Re: Warlords 2 Deluxe Configuration

in DOS
Oh, and you shouldn't normally need to load dos drivers like mouse.com or smartdrv or doskey when using DosBox, as DosBox pretty much emulates all that stuff internally.

Re: Warlords 2 Deluxe Configuration

in DOS
btw, 40,000 cycles is very high, unless you have a very fast computer. Increasing cycles will not normally make something work that wasn't working before.

Re: Warlords 2 Deluxe Configuration

in DOS
VESA is badly supported in Windows XP. Warlords II Deluxe definitely works in DosBox - I can't remember which version - it might have been 0.63 or you might need a more recent CVS version. (check the dosbox forums for how to get a hold of a cvs version). The dynamic core is less stable than the …

Re: Got Fasttracker 2 working.. kind of

I can get 20000+ cycles on my 1.15Ghz Celeron, with frameskip=1, which is enough for 16-20 channels playing at once at "full quality". Have you set core=dynamic in dosbox.conf ? That will give a 2-4x speedup for FT2. Also, you might want to try a recent CVS build, which may be a bit faster than 0. …

Re: best values for some variables

You're probably better off with a Doom source port anyway. There are plenty around for windows and probably a few for other O/Ses as well. A source port will run much faster/smoother than emulating the original dos version of Doom, and many source ports offer optional enhancements like high …

Re: CPU emulation on x86 platforms?

You certainly can run DOS on modern x86-based PCs. There's a few issues though with modern hardware being somewhat incompatible with native-dos games(sound card, mouse...). Also, some games will crash or malfunction if the CPU speed is too fast, or there's too much RAM. The reasons for emulation/ …

Re: Translating instead of emulating ?

Interpretation is usually the slowest, but most compatible and easiest to implement emulation technique (this is what dosbox uses by default). Dynamic recompilation is a lot faster, but tends to suffer a bit compatibility wise, and is harder to implement. Static translation can certainly be very …

Re: Sound in Flashback

Tyro, I think you took what eL_PuSHeR said kind of the wrong way. He just meant if you do change it to make dosbox run faster, other games may not work. (though it's fairly stable as of the current version)

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