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No DPMI problem

I do not think this is game specific and I can barely find any posts concerning this so I am going to post a message here. I am trying to run one of my Dos games with Dosbox and it has this error: Load error: no DPMI - Get csdpmi*b.zip First of all, I want to know what this file is for and then I …

Re: Odd EMS/XMS memory error

So I still understand what I should do to get it working. I kept increasing and it kept becoming slower. I just want to know what the heck is going on with the speed and how to increase it. It's a simple question and I'm a DosBox newbie so I need to know the easy way.

Re: Odd EMS/XMS memory error

Thanks, I got the game working but it's incrediblt slow. I'm using D-Fend v2 and I really don't know the best way to make the game faster. Increasing frame-skip isn't really increasing FPS, is it? Because it's not working for me. What can I do ot increase speed? Please help. Thanks.

Re: Odd EMS/XMS memory error

Hi, I'm a new at this and I want to play an FPS called Wrath of Earth. No, this is not game specific, this happens with a lot of games. I get the "Insufficent Memory or EMS Installed" I need help and this topic isn't really helping me because you tell me what I have to do but I don't know how to do …

Cybermage too slow

I have just installed the game, Cybermage and ran it with Dosbox. I have installed with the lowest VGA mode plus I don't use Sound Blaster 16, I use Sound Blaster (mono). The problem is that the game is still too slow, I don't get what's the problem? Did the people say something about adding the cd …

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