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Re: What specs to look for to play DOS Quake, Diablo II, Warcraft III, etc. at HIGH native resolutions?

My treshold for "smooth" must be really low - in simulated LAN game (4 computers, me as observer, medium map) it still looks OK, even with some bigger fights taking place over the map :) Version is 1.00 - I guess in its current state, after many patches, the game is way more taxing then it once was …

Re: Is there anybody left on this forum that still has an AM5x86 that will do 200mhz?

What would those chips be good for? I mean you would be able to benchmark a very fast 486 but then what? Games that need faster CPUs can be run on a Pentium or better. Even later games will require additional instructions and at some point the CPU is so restricted by bus bandwidths that increasing …

Re: Is there anybody left on this forum that still has an AM5x86 that will do 200mhz?

What would those chips be good for? I mean you would be able to benchmark a very fast 486 but then what? Games that need faster CPUs can be run on a Pentium or better. Even later games will require additional instructions and at some point the CPU is so restricted by bus bandwidths that increasing …

Re: Is there anybody left on this forum that still has an AM5x86 that will do 200mhz?

I have a pile of 5x86s and none of them are stable 180MHz. 180 with working cache is rare enough. 200MHz with the cache on is a pipe dream. Too bad nobody can reverse engineer a 486 on a smaller process and stick it on a PGA adapter to make a super upgrade CPU. How about tracking down someone from …

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