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Re: OpenGL DirectX to software wrapper?

in Windows
I came into the thread expecting someone trying to use their Threadripper to run DX9 games in software mode; found someone trying to use a Tualatin 1400 to run DX7 stuff in software more. I mean, you do realize why GPUs existed in circa 2000 right? That's because the contemporary CPUs could not …

Re: Do you think prices will stay high?

in Milliways
I was lucky enough to get into this 'hobby' (I like to call it my 'interest' rather than hobby but regardless..) pre-pandemic, around 2015 or thereabouts. It was not cheap at the time, but it was much cheaper than today. To make things easy for me, it was much cheaper where I live; people tended to …

Re: Xbox 360 Marketplace closing

in Milliways
I have some games that I bought digitally, which I now need to source physically as well I guess.. I can't rely on the XBOX storage to not fail indefinitely. I will get mad if I lose my Arcade games one day though. Not being able to play Geometry Wars would make me real mad..

Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
Might & Magic III Speaking of MM3, I am curious to know your opinion on the following games of the series. Personally I've tried MM4 and 5, but never went very far in those games. I even bought the very modern MMX Legacy (2014) but I found it disappointing. There is something special about MM3 that …

Re: How important is screen resolution to you?

in Milliways
For the longest time I thought 1080p was enough. Then I bought a 75" 4K MiniLED TV and I can tell you at this size 4K matters. For desktop, I am OK with 1080p up until 24". Beyond that, I enjoy 1440p considerably more. I've never really been able to tell 1440p and 4K apart on a monitor. I have a …

Re: Xbox 360 Marketplace closing

in Milliways
As someone who has just recently gotten into Xbox 360 gaming, this sucks. Worst of all, it may also drive up the prices of physical games, which are dirt cheap at this time. This is inevitable for every console. The best time to build your collection is after the next generation comes out and the …

Re: Windows XP 4GB GPU Issue?

Yep, before the time of resizable BAR, GPUs stick to the PCI standard of having a max of 256 MB mapped address space available. So Windows XP is technically fine with having more than 256 MB of PCI device memory because the standard doesn't allow for more anyway. However, it is the responsibility …

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