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Re: Whats with the shipping costs from USA???

in Milliways
The UK postal service doesn't have to turn a profit, nor pay special pension plans like in the US. To be honest Republicans here want to destroy the USPS so they can sell the most profitable parts to friends and ditch the rest. There will be small cities all around the middle US that will not get …

Re: Why wasn't the Amiga popular in North America?

in Milliways
The mac was a big player in video editing (one area I collect) early on after the Mac II line with Nubus came out. Sure it was expensive for a home computer but cheap as hell compared to what was the norm at the time (the original video editing systems were $100K+ and a pain to use). The Amiga was …

Re: Why wasn't the Amiga popular in North America?

in Milliways
Everyone I knew at the time (including myself) jumped from the C64/C128 directly to x86 PCs. The Amiga wasn't popular because they were pricey when they first came out (for home use) and lacked apps (for business use). You also have the fact that while they were groundbreaking when introduced they …

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