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Re: Wing Commander 2, DosBox CVS-20040116

Indeed, that's a strange sentence Privateer is printing out when IPX is enabled ;) However, the game plays a lot lot more faster already and is almost playable fine on my box. Let's say that by the time I have finished WC2 and its special operations... Btw, Alkarion, I tend to prefer the Sabre (or …

Re: Wing Commander 2, DosBox CVS-20040116

Yeeepeeee!!! WC2 is working! At last I can replay one of my real favorite games, one of the first I got after buying a sound card (anyone remember the sound galaxy sound card anyway? adlib, sb, disney and a fourth card compatibility...). Btw, it's true that loadfix isn't something we think about …

Re: Where to get GUS patches

Ouch that's true! I used to play midi files (as well as mod files of course) on CP when I had a good old SoundBlaster, so I didn't notice that. However even with the -video switch, playmidi is still too much for my poor athlon (and has sound saturation sometimes). :sad: Luckily it's almost the only …

Virtual modem & IPX network default ports

These features look like they're developping nicely, and that sure promises some great nights in a close future :happy: To make it easy to interconnect different dosboxes, a default port sure is an advantage (it can get boring to keep a list of friends' favorite ports). However the default ports …

Re: Overclocking and Sound

That's strange, I have an athlon 900MHz with 128Mo of RAM, and I can run OMF 2097 and Wolf3D on linux without any problem (frameskip 1, cycles: 5000). Are you using some heavy window manager like recent KDE/Gnome?

Re: Where to get GUS patches

Well the mididemo.bat was really choppy on my little athlon, but I found an old version of a program called cubic player that can uses GUS to play MIDI files: the audio output is quite pretty! 😀 Now the next free hours of the week will be dedicated to zone 66 with GUS sound 😁

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