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Re: CACHECHK question

Oh wow, thanks for all the info. I tried it, but unfortunately it would not POST with W4/W5 set, or either individually. I was however able to enable caching above 16M with AMISetup. How can I test if my machine will crash? What are the downsides to disabling relocation? Is there a difference …

Re: CACHECHK question

The option appears to be in there. 'strings' outputs in part: MNOPMemory Remapping E0000 ROM Belongs to ATBUS Memory above 16MB Cacheable C0000-C3FFF,16K Cacheable C4000-C7FFF,16K Cacheable C8000-CBFFF,16K Cacheable CC000-CFFFF,16K Cacheable D0000-D3FFF,16K Cacheable D4000-D7FFF,16K Cacheable D8000- …

Re: CACHECHK question

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1CLjjgZHqPoKKGH1VTL1XPMoykYJR-8Tp These images looked a lot better on my phone. If you can't see something I can take it apart again. The BIOS does have a non-cacheable block option. Two of them even. I turned them on and it did what you'd expect. 82s across …

Storage solutions

The CF card in my Pentium died yesterday. I was wondering what the current best practice for storage solutions for a PC of this vintage is. I did the CF-IDE thing, maybe 8 years ago. Put a 32GB CF card in it, and was pretty happy even under Windows 95. Large CF cards haven't really dropped in price …

Re: Sticking with XP a smart move?

in Milliways
No. Switch to Linux for anything that matters. XP is nothing more than a game launcher at this point. I mean, just look at the amount of work it takes to keep XP safe. Ain't nobody got time for that.

Re: Widescreen displays and reading habits

in Milliways
I use a wide screen monitor in portrait mode with my browser maximized. Portrait is better than landscape for everything except movies and games. I don't see any reason to have windows at all, except for the rare case when you're reading from one window and typing into another. And in that case, …

Re: Redundant collecting (AKA hoarding)

in Milliways
Yes, absolutely buy a spare of anything you can. Most PC equipment from the 80s and 90s has already been destroyed, and the only ones who care about it are weirdos like us. Your vintage PC will break down eventually, and if you don't already have a parts machine you'll probably be SOL. But yes, you …

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