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Pod Gold Soundfx issue

I've managed to get POD Gold installed, and mostly running fine. The only issue is that the sound fx (engine noises, etc) are all crackly (kind of like if you run some games without VDMSound.) I've looked around on the web and cant find anyone else who seems to have this issue, so i'm hoping someone …

Re: Constructor?

I followed 'The Newbie's Pictorial Guide To DOSBox' by firestorm225 first, then as you suggested the 60 sec guide and it still asks for a CD? (I'll add that its an legit version of the game as I brought it when it was first released.) As for system specs, i'm on Windows 7 Home Premium with the …


I got it to install through dosbox, and sound runs fine but when I try to run it I get a message about it needing the CD in the drive. which it is. I've googled it and apparently it works under Windows 7 with the Windows 95 patch, however for me it does not it just displays a blank screen then …

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