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Re: Is it really my nostalgia or are you playing it wrong…

in Milliways
No, the latest Doom game was shit for a Doom game. I think of it as Quake 3 amped to 11 with a doom skin. It's not you. heh. esports is where the money is at and it's infected the Doom games with that bullshit. You shouldn't have to be on crack to play a new Doom game but sadly that's where we are …

Re: Is it really my nostalgia or are you playing it wrong…

in Milliways
No one was ever fired for buying IBM, the same could be same for disparaging something that is old since old=crap. (Not my mindset it's just the echo chamber). The only way to ultimately fix it is proper upbringing which will never happen so the other side is regulation but protection for "old" …

Re: Online copies of games are not owned

in Milliways
Saw this earlier this week https://www.vg247.com/former-blizzard-president-thinks-you-should-be-able-to-leave-developers-tips and then this which is disappointing https://wccftech.com/microsoft-is-letting-blizzard-stay-blizzard-says-wow-vp/ I've finished setting up the hardware for my two test …

Re: Online copies of games are not owned

in Milliways
You do still own the software but you are limited as to what you can do with it. As for as situations where the technological measure fails to "effectively control" or "effectively protect" (online functionality it depends on to work no longer works) then as per the DMCA and the redundant DMCA …

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