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Re: privateer hangs in the ship dealer

I've had a folder since 1997 with all the saves and my alterted objects.tre and unaltered objects.tre files( I just keep saving it with every new computer). I had the whole program folder zipped onto the 6 floppies but when I tried unzipping; one file had CRC errors. As it happened it was the …

Re: privateer hangs in the ship dealer

Thanks for the responses. I do have probably the oldest version since it came on floppies. I have tried with and without sound. I am using dosbox 0.65 I have tried ems=false , ems=true, added a line under autoexec ems=ram 4096, ems=false, ems=ram tried cycles at 3000,6500,20000 etc tried loadfix -65 …

privateer hangs in the ship dealer

I'm having trouble runnig privateer. I tried the remake and while it's not bad and I appreciate all the work these guys did; I still prefere the original. Anyway to my problem My version is the six floppy's , the 3 disk speeech pack; and though I haven't loaded them yet the riteous fire disks. I set …

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