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Re: Syndicate VESA modes

Sorry, I should've been more precise: indeed, the atlantis mission in the middle of the ocean, the 'Accelerator' one. In any case, I've gone back to playing but I found out something odd: the game won't save. If I select one of the save slots and press save it returns me to the main menu WITHOUT …

Re: Syndicate VESA modes

Since it was brought back from the dead.. so am I. The final mission in the original Syndicate is what I termed the 'reactor mission'. And I was fairly persuaded that there were different resolutions - I remain persuaded of such, by the by.

Running M1 tank platoon

I've been trying to run M1 tank platoon in DOSBOX 0.71 but unfortunately it freezes hard. By disabling all sound emulation but SB1 I was able to get it to return to DOS when I start tank.com (i.e. I press enter, the machine immediately returns to prompt) but the second time I try to start tank.com …

Re: Syndicate VESA modes

Well, as far as using at least 640x480, I am reasonably certain it does - I just ran it. As far as the higher res modes, I'll try looking in the various archives I have and if I find anything I'll post it. (incidentally, the /? help on main.exe is fairly useless: for instance, it doesn't mention …

Re: Syndicate VESA modes

Syndicate, not syndicate wars. I remember actually playing it at 1024x768, it was the only way to actually get through the reactor mission IIRC. And I think I managed to get it at that resolution even on an emulator, more recently. - nmlss

Re: Syndicate VESA modes

I am familiar with how emulation works and with how graphic adapters work. I will maintain that an emulated 2D surface at 1024x768x8bit will not significantly tax a modern PC: not only in theory, with which I have some familiarity, but also as derived from practical experience with several emulators …

Re: Syndicate VESA modes

Well, if my 486 at the time could run it, I think a modern P4-3.6 should be able to emulate vesa 1024x768. As to why exactly, for the simplest of reasons: otherwise you don't have enough view around your agents to actually be effective.

Syndicate VESA modes

I am currently running Syndicate in DOSBOX 0.65 without problems. However, I remember that there used to be a way to change the VESA mode for the game from 640x480x8 to higher resolutions. Unfortunately, I can't remember how, though I believe commandline switches to main.exe were involved. Any …

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