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Re: Star Trek Borg on Dos Box HELP!!

in Windows
I am having a problem with this game also. I am running XP. I have followed the instructions exactly but when the patch tries to install directx it aborts and says "Could not load the DLL library C:\...\PATCH\REDIST\DSETUP.DLL". I have tried it with the DSETUP.DLL that came with the patch and …

Re: Gabriel Knight 2 DVD Full-screen?

in Windows
I'm a moron.. problem solved.. I was using the SIERRAW.EXE instead of the GK2CD.BAT to start the game...this solved the problem, don't know how or why and don't care. Thanks for the reply though!

Gabriel Knight 2 DVD Full-screen?

in Windows
Hello, was wondering if someone could help... I have GK2 on my harddrive using the excellent DVD patch out there, and I am running windows Vista on my laptop...but I cannot get it to run full-screen, is this even possible or not? Any help would be appreciated. Ive already tried to chage the setting …

Re: Different Sound in Space Quest 2??

I may be way off here.. but I'm pretty sure you can switch the music in SCUMMVM under the options.. but from what I remember the sound for SQ2 was PC INTERNAL SPEAKER unless you had the (superior??) TANDY sound? (Superior in Space Quest 3 - had speech at the beginning "Where am I?" 😀

Re: 7th Guest - Vista

in Windows
Well Im not too sure, but if you are running it from a ISO it doesnt read the tracks on a CD.. I know for the movie it that way I belive.. could be way off though

Re: 7th Guest and DirectX Beta Player

in Windows
Did anybody ever reach completion? And can the music be heard (CCA tracks I guess? ) if you mount the CD's (I like putting the games on my laptop)...or is it the same as running it in DOSBox?

Re: Tsunami Media games

in Milliways
True the video is very primitive.. but the stroyline and gameplay considering it's an ALL FMV game--- it's actually very good. I remember when I first played the demo and spent years looking for it in stores. It was the only reason I opened an EBAY Account. I found the game and am in the process of …

Re: Tsunami Media games

in Milliways
I'm going to revive this:) I have both FLASH TRAFFIC and SILENT STEEL. They are both in boxes somewhere. I love the games, but I'm a sucker for FMV.. has anybody gotten any of these to run in DOSBOX yet (before I dig for them... save me some time if they dont work)?

Star Control 2 Upgrade or the original?

I have never actually played a Star Control game and was wondering what would be the best place to start. I\ve seen a site somewhere along the way of an upgraded version of Star Control 2? Not sure if it was finished or not. Is the original fine to play.. any suggestions.. is the first one good or …

Re: Johnny Mnemonic win 3.1?

in Windows
Sooo...im going to bump this 😀 with ,72 released is windows stable in DOSBOX now? if it is how would i install it if anyone has the info... I still have the original 5 or 6 disks somewhere (if they still work) or should i even bother trying?

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