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Next mTCP release (2012) - wish lists and ideas?

in Milliways
I am looking for wish lists items, bug reports, and ideas for the next release of mTCP. The current version is about six months old now. I haven't had too many bug reports so there has not been a great need to update it. That is also the release that FreeDOS 1.1 chose to use, so it has seen quite a …

Re: networking under DOS

in Milliways
The mTCP guy checks in here once in a while. And he is a PCjr expert too. :-) On a low-spec machine (PC, XT, PCjr) I use mTCP exclusively - it is small enough to run from a floppy and fast on those machines. On my 386-40 and better machines I'll use both MS LANMAN and mTCP. You can't have both …

Re: PCjr Telnet BBS is up for testing!

in Milliways
Putty is good - if I'm not on a Linux machine that is what I use. The BBS seems to be holding up. It hasn't had a significant amount of testing, but still we've had 3 people on at the same time and nobody could detect anything running slowly. Over 59000 TCP/IP packets have come in in the last day …

PCjr Telnet BBS is up for testing!

in Milliways
It's running again! Please drop in and help me test it ... For those of you who are new, it is a new Telnet BBS that I am writing running on an IBM PCjr. I have written all of the TCP/IP code and the BBS code from scratch. The only thing I didn't write was the packet driver for the Ethernet adapter …

Re: PCjr emulation (CVS)

Yes, but that's far from what dosbox tries to achieve. The cycles are only a rough estimate and are not bound to the cycles per instruction of a real CPU, so this'd be hard to implement anyways. Yep - I have to remember that this is an emulator, not a simulator. Simulators can be cycle accurate, …

Re: PCjr emulation (CVS)

Forgot a few details ... On a 64K system the setup is similar, except that the top of memory is reported to BASIC as 48K. Also, you are not allowed to grow the video buffer at all ... the special PCjr modes are not available without a 128K system. And worse, DOS 2.1 won't run on that machine. I …

Re: PCjr emulation (CVS)

Re: Speed of the first 128K Remember the first 128K of memory is slower than any other memory because of the VGA access. So using a constant like 500 might average things out enough to be usable, but it's not going to be perfect. Perfect is actually close to impossible without knowing the memory …

Re: PCjr emulation (CVS)

I'm blown away by this thread .. a Jr emulator! One question about the emulation - the VGA chip (Video Gate Array) maps references from B800:0000 down to a window in the first 128K of RAM. The window can actually move - device drivers like PCJRMEM or JRCONFIG move it. Does the emulator handle this …

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