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Re: SoundBlaster 128 PCI in pure dos(detection fails)

in DOS
How about the PCIport value in the ini file...IRQ is probably 11 but i don't know which PCIport it is (hex value) cuz in my bios the vendorid is 1274 (ensoniq) I've tried SB128 dos drivers, and they give the same error...

SoundBlaster 128 PCI in pure dos(detection fails)

in DOS
I just got my hands on the SB128 PCI with the intention of running games in pure dos (6.22) with sound, but for some reason the card is not detected. The same problem occurs when I put the card in another computer(win98 dos mode) so I'm probably doing something wrong... Specs p4 1500 512 RAM …

Re: dgVoodoo 1 announcement thread

Very nice, too bad I don't have win98 anymore...Would it be hard to update it so that XP/2000 supports it? Nice to hear it has a better framerate since extreme assault doesn't work very well with glidos for me...I like the tons of options as well Hey, maybe you two could merge or something and make …

Re: Whiplash/Fatal Racing Voodoo1 ok, voodoo 2...no

in DOS
btw Fatal racing doesn't work in windows, you need to start it in pure dos... This is the batchfile I'm using, I'll try adding some more variables in pure dos...I removed the last two lines as well since they are not required... The magenta problem doesn't seem to occur anymore and running descent2 …

Re: Whiplash/Fatal Racing Voodoo1 ok, voodoo 2...no

in DOS
GREAT NEWS, it actually works:D First, I run descent2 (i have it as well) This is what i did, i added the SET FX_GLIDE_SWAPINTERVAL=1 at the beginning of the batch file....Otherwise, the screen is blank actually the game ran faster than a with voodoo 1 even the core is set to 90:) I encountered the …

Re: Whiplash/Fatal Racing Voodoo1 ok, voodoo 2...no

in DOS
The reason why I posted this here is because I was hoping for reply's from people how know a lot about glide and know how voodoo cards work... The descent source is available though, maybe the guy who did the unsupported beta 3dfx descent2 exe could help me out:)

Re: Whiplash/Fatal Racing Voodoo1 ok, voodoo 2...no

in DOS
I believe him...Actually I think there's a similair message on this board somewhere...Something about running a dosglide app before running whiplash, magenta glitches etc...Pretty much like this guy on usenet is talkin about...Don't think he is lying Maybe the voodoo1 and 2 aren't so different then …

Whiplash/Fatal Racing Voodoo1 ok, voodoo 2...no

in DOS
I finally got me a voodoo 1...It actually ran Fatal racing in glide mode, and looks great:) (only kinda slow) Now i would like to run it on a voodoo 2 cuz this card has great compatibility with older glide games...I've tried it using "set sst_ batch file: set SST_GRXCLK=90 set SST_FT_CLK_DEL=0x4 set …

Re: Duke Nukem 3D Source Code

There are more detailed 3d models available for tenebrae Most of them are pretty good since they only had to remake the models with a higher polycount... But I agree with you on the sprites...Most of the 3d models aren't that good...Some are really different from their original sprites

Re: Fatal Racing now works! but is NOT filtered

in GliDOS General
Sry, forgot to log in, the message above is posted by me It seems like the 3d blaster has a verite chipset! So it simply cannot work with the -3dfx- patch...I really wonder which cards actually do work with this patch Edit: My mistake, I downloaded the 3d blaster patch while i should have downloaded …

Fatal Racing now works! but is NOT filtered

in GliDOS General
First of all, sry about the request for the whiplash version, I thought it was legal since the game is pretty old now. I've somewhere found this 3dfx patch that works with fatal racing (not the whiplash version)...The thing is, I run the fat3d.exe file win98, i get stuck...Xp gives a com4 error, but …

Re: Duke Nukem 3D Source Code

GlDuke is on sourceforge now...And it seems that the project has been continued (last update somewhere in 2003) The reason why no ports are available is because the source has just been released I just can't figure out how glDuke made it this far without the sources being released Anyways, Jaakko …

Re: Duke Nukem 3D Source Code

There are some rumours that this guy will look into the code some time...He did ports for hexen, heretic and doom, so with some luck we won't need glidos, if a opengl port or something gets available: http://www.doomsdayhq.com for the hexen, heretic and doom ports I've been following his work since …

Whiplash anyone?

in GliDOS General
This one is probably unable to be run through glidos...I think it somehow directly communicates with the voodoocard, not through a glide2x.ovl file... I used to have a 3dfx banshee, but i trade it with my friend for his voodoo 2....(He needed a pci card cuz his AGP slot is somehow broken) Since i …

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