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Re: ASCII versions of retail books

www.gutenberg.org aims to eventually have a copy of anything that's public domain (older stuff like Lewis Carrol, Bram Stoker, etc.) and has a great deal available at the moment. www.ebooks.com has non-PD stuff available, but you have to pay for it, just like any other book.

Re: doom on XP

in DOS
If you just want to play plain ol' DOOM, zDOOM provides a raycaster-type engine (same as in the original) and OPL music emulation, and the modifications from the original game can all be turned off. I highly recommend it. Play it at 320x240 and you won't even notice the difference. Oh, and the DOOM …

Windows OPL MIDI driver?

Is there an OPL2/3 emulator available as a Windows MIDI driver? Or perhaps a WinAmp plugin (but not AdPlug, it likes to crash on me?) Basically, I'd just like to have output that would normally be run through the godawful wavetable synthesizer Windows comes with be rerouted to an OPL emulator. …

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