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Re: Silly, silly, silly

Wierd. Yes Very! Here is a small update on what ive been at the last hour or so. 1) installed Win 3.11 for workgroups 2) found a way to get my mouse to work 100% !!!!! 3) installed Calmira II version 3.3 Next thing is to rm -rf this install and start over, I didn't go with the S3 driver install …

Silly, silly, silly

Hello All, I've been playing around and thought you guy's may find this amusing. :D Linux -> Wine -> DosBox -> FakeNES -> Game And sound even works in the game! Has anyone tried to get complicated apps to work in Win 3.11? I should receive my copy of Win 3.11 tomorrow... I guess ill soon find the …

Re: Direct3D patch

For the game, it should be a DOS-based emulator of a console system, such as Gameboy :) Also, I'm not sure that DOS/32A is technically an emulator... That sound interesting... humm.. Anyone else have any suggestions? I'm off work fri,sat,sun so if you can think of something totally off the wall …

Re: Direct3D patch

run Dosbox in WinE and then run Windows 3.11 in Dosbox and please post a screenshot of this insanity :) I am going to try Linux -> Wine -> DosBox -> DOS/32 Advanced DOS Extender-> and a Game ........ So run a emulator to run a emulator and run a emulator in it to run the game.. Simple enough eh? …

Re: Direct3D patch

Wow. You know that DOSBox compiles and runs natively under Linux, right? You might have better luck running it that way. Yes i'm aware you guys have a Linux port, I seen the post asking if DosBox would run in Wine. So I thought it would be nice to see if the current wined3d work would enable DosBox …

Re: Direct3D patch

Hello All, I have DosBox 0.63 as well as the 30.06.2005 build from : http://home.amis.net/lkslavi/ running in Wine from : http://directxwine.sourceforge.net/ Most of the DirectX 9 Wine patch from the link above is now in winehq cvs. I only have 4 DOS games to test with and there demo's at that, but …

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