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Re: Getting my AWE64 working in pure DOS mode

in DOS
I downloaded the DOS drivers from creative, however they will not install as the program recognises win95 running (actually running win98). I have exited to dos with a empty config.sys and autoexec files but same problem. I made a floppy boot disk via win98 and it still insists I am running win95. I …

Getting my AWE64 working in pure DOS mode

in DOS
I am trying to get Turrican working on my P3 system. The game launches and plays from pure DOS providing I have exited win98. However, I get no sound. I think I need to specify my own MS-DOS configuration for the games .exe file, so that I can launch it from win98. The game wants convenetional …


You miss the point. The use of a windows based system to emulate an amiga is widespread and is only going to continue to grow. Dosbox already runs on this platform. Hence the point of a windows based system emulating and amiga, which is then emulating dosbox, is a little redundant.


There will be no dosbox port for old Amiga's, by anyone, ever (well, never say never). These days, most Amiga software is used on a windows based PC emulating amiga hardware. I hope you see the point I am making here. Furhter more, there is little point in a dos box port that will only worl with a …


I believe dosbox has been ported to OS4, probably limited to running on an Amiga One (OS4 is in testing/development phase - not commercially released yet). I don't see legacy amigas being powerful enough to run a port of dosbox, even with the more common accelertor boards. At leat not to the extent …

Buck's new semi-old-school-rig

Finally put together a system for late dos, glide and early direct x gaming, as well as a heap of word processing. I have had Turrican 2 (386 era) and Heretic 2 demo working, so I hope to be able to play a wide cross section of games. Bit of Quake (2?), late 90's rpg's (diablo 2 maybe). Asus P3b-f - …

Re: My oldschool rigs

Thanks. I have now tried this for myself. I just set up my P3 system with a matrox G450 and a pair of Righteous Orchids (righteous BABY!) 12mb Voodoo 2's sli'd. My new Viewsonic VP191b has dual vga and one dvi input. I switch between DVI input and vga input for the Matrox (desktop) and the Voodoo's …

Re: Roland SCC-1 - Help me get it working!

OK. Here's what I find out. PCI audio card and ISA midi don't work very well. If the SB PCI is set to emulate legacy sound (i.e., SB16) then the SCC-1 and SB PCI will conflict. To get midi sound working, I went into properties of my computer (right click), and under PCI standard... you will find …

Roland SCC-1 - Help me get it working!

Installed an Asus P3b-f and lots of goodies inc an SCC1 and an SB PCI4810. First time I have messed around with a PC. I disabled the legacy part of the SB pci card (the general midi part). Downloaded an MPU401 driver that works with the Scc1 - its the mpu401 win3.x driver (although I am using win98 …

Re: Windows 98 vs ME

in Windows
I found a site that has a util for download that specs up 98SE to ME without the bloat and other issues - self extracting - but requires ME disc (which fetch a few pennies too many on Australian ebay). http://exuberant.ms11.net/98sesp.html Related forum: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showforum …

Righteous Orchid 3d2's OR 3dfx Voodoo 2's?

Got myself a pair of 12mb Righteous Orchid 3d2's with SLI cable that are anout to go into a P3 baes system. I have downloaded a couple drivers, but wonder whether I am better off buying a pair of 12mb 3dfx made Voodoo 2's available to me, since there seems to be more support out there (namely …

SB16 pnp good for early Direct X games?

Need a card that does digital sound effects in 486+ era games (and Turrican, which is the only 386 era game I play, but it does not like EMS) AND works with newer games that feature Direct x sound, on my P3 based system running 98se (not ME!). I have a Roland scc-1 for midi music. Will a SB CT4170 …

Re: Do ISA expansions boards work?

OK. Looks like I don't need to throw away that LAPC now that I can make room for it! It looks like the typical ones have three slots on one side, and two slots on the other or two slots each side: http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=8707698594&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT http:// …

Re: Do ISA expansions boards work?

Expansion boards come in different varities. A search on ebay in "any country" using the terms isa riser or pci riser will show you what's available. I found an ISA expansion board here in AUstralia: http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=5196494661&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT# …

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