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Re: Ascendancy iOS on Windows PC?

Safe to say you're better off getting the 1994 version to work in dosbox :-) That never had been a problem. I still have the original game and occasionally play a game and it works perfectly in DOSBOX. However there always had been some issues with the original game that were a pain. e.g. when …

Ascendancy iOS on Windows PC?

The 1994 game Ascendancy was a favourite of mine and in 2010 was re-released on iOS with some additional features that the original game lacked. Is there any way to get the iOS version to run on a Windows PC? If that question is in the wrong forum, please move it to the right place as I was unsure …

Re: Bards Tale I DOXBOX

If it's an incomplete .conf like that, you'll need to put that line under a [joystick] section (see the default config file of a normal DOSBox installation). Gotta say I'm not sure what the benefit would be, since as you say the game doesn't use a joystick anyway, but that should do the trick. The …

Re: Bards Tale I DOXBOX

In stock DOSBox, you can set joysticktype=none so that it doesn't know or care about any joysticks. I'll wager that there's a DOSBox config file somewhere in that package they concocted, so you could try setting it there. In the subfolder it has a windows.conf that contains [autoexec] mount a .\ …

Bards Tale I DOXBOX

Hello, I’m currently playing Bards Tale I that came with backing Bards Tale IV on Kickstarter. It included all 3 parts of BT and an installer. Unlike other games using DOSBOX like those from GOG however, when I start BT1 I get 3 windows: 1) DOSBOX Status Window with some info about my joystick that …

Re: Sid Meier's Gettysburg! on Windows XP (SP2)

I got an answer from Firaxis too: -------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: FW: Missing file Datum: Thu, 25 Feb 2016 16:27:39 +0000 Von: Donna Milesky (Firaxis) ... Thank you. Try this link: http://www.fileplanet.com/84416/80000/fileinfo/Gettysburg!-v3-Patch From: Michael ... Sent: Sunday …

Re: Sid Meier's Gettysburg! on Windows XP (SP2)

Just use the Wayback Machine to get the patches from Firaxis: https://web.archive.org/web/20030207150720/http://www.firaxis.com/downloads_allfiles.cfm Thankyou that worked. I have now downloaded the 2000&XPpatch but when starting it to apply the patch it gives an error: "1608: Unable to create …

Re: Sid Meier's Gettysburg! on Windows XP (SP2)

The download link for the XP patch from Firaxis in the first post seems to be broken http://www.firaxis.com/games/downloads.php Is there any other reliable site where it can be found? Edit: Preferably one that doesn´t need javascript enabled to just download a patch. And another question: Which …

Re: D-Fend Reloaded (DOSBox frontend)

I´m using D-Fend Reloaded to play the old Sid Meier Railroad Tycoon and RRT deluxe. In the original RRT the game offers two choices for graphics and sound where I have to press 1, 5 and 1 (VGA, Roland music, mouse and keyboard). Is there a way to automate that with D-Fend Reloaded to always have RRT …

Railroad Tycoon Deluxe settings?

I have reinstalled several old Sid Meier games and try to get them to run using DOSBOX 0.74 under D-Fend Reloaded. The original Railroad Tycoon from 1991 works fine. When using exactly the same settings for Railroad Tycoon Deluxe however it crashes to desktop whenever a graphic would need to be …

Re: Pool Of Radiance issue

Okay, now I have a new question...what's a frontend? Also, the overlay thing worked out great! I think the game looks much better than it did before. :) So, thank you. A frontend, e.g. "Dfend Reloaded" is a program that gives you an easier to use surface to start programs using Dosbox - in many …

Re: Master of Magic problem

I disabled that dosbox is automatically closed when the program is closed - and the next time the program crashed dosbox stayed open and an error was given: ITEMPOW.LBX [entry0] has an incorrect record size. Itempow.lbx is a file from Master of Magic Edit: On the http://www.realmsbeyond.net/forums/ …

Re: Master of Magic problem

Both the item creation spells seem to work ok here (XP, dosbox 0.74, dynamic core, MOM v1.31), as does running Itemmake.exe directly. Edit: Maybe the game can't write to ITEMDATA.LBX or some other important file (set as read-only?) Any errors in the dosbox status window when it crashes? I´m using …

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