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Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
Ensign Nemo wrote on 2022-12-22, 19:08: Another factor is licensed music. Games with songs that weren't made specifically for the game are often removed from stores because their music rights expired. That too, good point.

Re: Retro confessions. What are yours?

in Milliways
Oh, and another contentious confession: FPS (as a genre / presentation style) is boring and lazy and unimaginative, and homogenises gaming down to various flavours of Doom-like. "Oh but this time we've got different looking guns! Oh but this one's in war time! Oh but this one's in space! Oh but …

Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
Short answer: lawyers, contracts, and lawsuits spoil all the fun and IP law is incredibly complex. With how convoluted making a game can be, it's sometimes a wonder anything gets made at all. Contracts are complex in who owns the resulting IP, who has rights to continue using said IP, who pays for …

Re: Retro confessions. What are yours?

in Milliways
My confession: I think Half-Life 2 is overrated. Never really understood the obsession with the HL series. While the original HL did have some good AI for the time, I feel the linear-style of gameplay and level design was outdated by the time HL2 came out. I'm biased, but I think DF2: Jedi Knight …

Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
Dragon Age: Inquisition When I look at CDPR's Witcher3 I see a massive world that's done well, because it managed to keep me entertained for hundreds of hours, right until the end. Somehow, solving mystery crimes at the ass-end of the world never felt boring. DAI cannot replicate this in the …

Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
liqmat wrote on 2022-12-17, 17:12: Bought myself a small Christmas present. Picked up the just released Terrestrial for the C64 today. Incredible piece of work and plan on giving it a whirl over the holiday season. Reminds me a lot of Beach-Head, with its different stage types.

Re: Game box cover art vs in-game graphics

in Milliways
Are computers fast enough now to have graphics exactly like the cover art? The question is poorly worded. Technically, computers have always been strong and fast enough to do this so long as the marketing department incorporated actual screenshots into the cover art. The problem is there's no way …

Re: Worth fixing this MX 440 128MB?

As I said, it's not like I'm trying to recoup money I spent, or that it's some special card that I'm trying to preserve because it's the only one that will work with my computer. I essentially have the GPU for free. So if it only takes a few hours of my time and $5 worth of generic circuitry parts …

Worth fixing this MX 440 128MB?

Short version I got a second-hand Manli 128MB MX 440 8x GPU that has a few issues. The seller refunded me, but I didn't have to send the card back. So I'm wondering if anyone can help diagnose the problem and see if it's a quick and easy fix. Detailed version Symptoms: Installed it, powered on, was …

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