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in Milliways
I think burn-in is still a real problem as is the case with plasma. I would not use it for gaming. I'm looking for a new phone now and ignoring all OLED ones for this reason. CRT displays were much more susceptible to burn-in and people were happy with them. Like it or not, OLED displays are the …

Re: Windows XP how much people still use for MAIN OS?

in Milliways
My Core 2 Quad PC has been running Windows XP x64 since last year. However, I've been using Windows NT 4.0 and 2000 more often recently. i use XP on 32 bit machines sure, but not online ever why would you? there are some other options among linux for 32 bit and plenty for even modest 64 bit pcs …

Re: Windows NT 4.0 Workstation installation problem

in Windows
All hope is gone. It doesn't work ... WinNT installation really sucks. If you think this was bad, try to install Windows NT 3. If you happen to have two IDE hard drives in the target system, the installer will attempt to do "maintenance" that never completes, severely corrupt the boot partition or …

Re: Windows 95 setup guide for the 2020's

Great news Win9xers! I've been exchanging information with the PuTTY team and it looks like 0.77 will be the first release of PuTTY since 0.65 to work on Windows 95! The WinSock 2 update is required (this is included in the instructions anyway), but no dependency on IE. I just tried to install …

Re: Setting up WinXP for more than gaming

I avoid installing .NET Framework on my Windows XP installations. Nvidia and Intel graphics drivers claim to require it, but the check can be bypassed by editing a file in the installer. Just be prepared for disappointment, much of the modern Internet no longer works on XP, and many programs …

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