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Re: Do you keep a tech-journal?

Since you're taking notes by hand first, it might be worth looking at an OCR solution like a Rocketbook: https://getrocketbook.com/ . I have one and the OCR is decent. I never ended up using it much, as I find it more convenient just to type out my notes. To expand on the markdown stuff I mentioned, …

Re: Do you keep a tech-journal?

For my retro PCs, I keep a directory full of the drivers, and I'll sometimes create a text file if there's something that I want to remember. I only document stuff like driver issues and fixes that I needed to use.I also use a markdown tool called Obsidian to keep track of any notes I have on stuff …

Re: How important is screen resolution to you?

revolstar wrote on Yesterday, 07:07: Dunno how popular the Nostalgia Nerd is around these here parts, but he has just posted a video titled Why did we Abandon 4:3? I've always enjoyed his content, but kind of forgot about him as he doesn't seem to upload as much these days.

Re: How important is screen resolution to you?

I also enjoy to watch TV shows or movies on more "period correct" TVs now. I find that high definition is almost too good and older standard definition content look worse in some ways on them. In particular, I really notice the actor's mascara when watching the original Star Trek on my high-def TV. …

Re: How important is screen resolution to you?

A lot of this 4k and 8k stuff is more of a marketing ploy, as it won't be noticable unless you have a big enough TV and are at the right viewing distance. It's also a bit like digital cameras and megapixels, as consumers are impressed by big numbers. However, the resolution is only one part of the …

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