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Re: Phantasmagoria 2, RAMA

in Windows
i think the only problem is the installation. you cant go past the apartment because the installation did not copy all files correctly. if there was a way to instal it manually, it could work. i know there are these launchers that are made for specific games ( like the grimfandango and monkeyisland3 …

virtual pc question

in Windows
I have a question about microsoft virtual pc, i want to install win95 on it but it doesnt work. i have a bootdisk and the original win95 cd. can i just install it from the cd without the floppy? do i have to do some settings before i begin? im confused

Re: doom on XP

in DOS
handy tool! i think i will play doom with the buggy invisible demons (its not that bad). 'cos the option that's causing the bug also keeps things smooth with my high resolution in doom. thanks anyway

Re: duke nukem 3d

in DOS
i just finished episode 1 of duke3d and i found a little problem. sometimes the fire sprites are frozen (not animated) and they are often placed too high. you can see it very good in the level "the abyss" (ep1, last level). can someone fix this, or is it just my pc? (i think it has nothing to do …

Re: doom on XP

in DOS
ok there is a slight problem with this directdraw solution. if i turn directdraw off in windowsXP, the "invisible demons" look good but the frames do not refresh as fast as normal or something (horizontal movement stripes if i run). is there a way to install older directdraw versions that are …

duke nukem 3d

in DOS
i'm playing the sortmod of duke nukem 3d (under windowsXP) by jonof and it really works fine. the only thing is that the music sounds a little bit different. it sounds smooth but it's like it's played with different instruments than the original music. is it just my soundcard or did jonof use other …

Re: doom on XP

in DOS
jup thats it! if i turn off directdraw in my directX configs, everything is fine! thanks a million!

Re: doom on XP

in DOS
i just need to play doom on winXP. most of the scourcemods of doomworld (like zDoom) are modified with all kinds of new features and stuff (jump/crouch, consoles, newskins, new mesaages), it isn't the original doom anymore. the ones like windoom and doomNT are the original but windowed or with no …

doom on XP

in DOS
(i posted this one 'cos doom is a dos game) there is this launcher for doom called "doom95". it lets doom run in win95 with higher resolutions. it works fine with winXP but the "invisible demons" look really weird and buggy. are there any patches or workarounds? big thanks in advance!

Re: phantasmagoria 2 on xp

in Windows
I managed to run it pretty well in dosbox now, smooth mouse and movies. but the game is often freezing and crashing... really irritating. anyone?

Re: Phantasmagoria 2 Problem

in DOS
well, it the game returns to dosbox with a small window and no errormessage. I turned on the "waitonerror" but there no error message. weird...

Re: VESA on XP. A possible solution?

in DOS
That's when your hardrive is devided into two sections. On one section you can install (example) Windows XP and on the other Windows 95. at least I think... btw: can anyone post a link to a good and easy to use program for this, and maybe a walktrough how to actually do it. thank you

Re: Phantasmagoria 2 Problem

in DOS
the game locks up. the sound is good, the video is smooth and the gameplay too. but sometimes it crashes back to windows or the music crashes.

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