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I'm using the Opl2LPT2 v2 on a lenovo m32 thin client .running free dos . I was wondering if anyone had any sugrestions to reduce the level of buzzing I'm currently encountering with it. I've tested it with an exsternal power source, and using usb power from the m32 . In both cases the volume is …


I'm using the Opl2LPT2 v2 on a lenovo m32 thin client .running free dos . I was wondering if anyone had any sugrestions to reduce the level of buzzing I'm currently encountering with it. I've tested it with an exsternal power source, and using usb power from the m32 . In both cases the volume is …

Re: opl2lpt low sound

in DOS
Lol yuhs i did on both the speeker(louder buzz) and on the opl2lpt (oh i can hear it if i stick my ear in it)

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