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Re: Hiren's Boot CD 15.2 malware?

Sometimes they are detecting advance diagnostic probing techniques, BIOS flashers and CMOS tools. ... and MS is getting annoying about summarily deleting utilities, like powertoys can dissappear on you. It would not surprise me in the slightest if it was MS being shady, as they have a long record …

Hiren's Boot CD 15.2 malware?

I have been trying to get a copy of Hiren's Boot CD 15.2 burned to a CD so I can run MiniXP and use a portable version of HWiNFO32 to try and grab Northbridge temps of a Pentium 4 system with no HDD I recently changed the paste out on, and the ZIP containing the ISO apparently has a Trojan that is …

2 New Machines, 3 Refreshes

I recently scored a TON of hardware from Facebook Marketplace, with 7 different computers (1 Dell Dimension 3000, the rest were system builder PCs). 6 Of these system builder cases were from 2000-2004, and all of those are beige. All had motherboards, not all had RAM or hard drives, but most did, …

Re: First Ever "Magic Smoke" Experience

Why would they put all those fan headers in there if the controller couldn't handle it? I've had other 440BX boards with three fan headers and ran all three (CPU, intake, exhaust) at the same time and never had any issues, so it must be something specific to that board, maybe the fan controller just …

Re: First Ever "Magic Smoke" Experience

I've had a PSU die on me while I was playing Garry's Mod on my main rig back in 2015. It stunk of ozone badly, but never smoked and also never damaged any components. Can't remember the brand, some cheap thing that came out of my mom's old gaming PC she bought from a local computer store. Of course …

Re: First Ever "Magic Smoke" Experience

Thank you mkarcher, I'll see if I can get a multimeter and test that out. Best case scenario is that the riser card is fine, and I can use it to put a sound card back in the machine (likely another Vibra 16s). I've never tried soldering before, so I'm not sure that I could replace the cap on the …

First Ever "Magic Smoke" Experience

I've been tinkering around with old computers for years now, and I've never had a computer component smoke on me. It startled me quite a bit, and I unplugged the thing as fast as I could but the damage was already done. The sound card started quietly crackling and shot out a fair bit of black smoke, …

Issues using external PCI soundcards

I've been trying to upgrade my Gateway Essential 500c to play late 90s games smoothly, and so far I have worked out most of the issues in the system. It seems now that it doesn't like to use external PCI sound cards, as during driver installation, under both Windows 98 SE and Windows XP SP2, the …

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