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Re: Daggerfall MIDI music on my laptop

This is odd: I just tried another configuration. I don't remember what I did differently except that I disabled Adlib emulation. Suddenly, the music worked fine. I cannot reproduce this for the setup program, though. I'll have to see if I can remove the configuration file (to someplace else) and …

Daggerfall MIDI music on my laptop

Computer: Fujitsu Lifebook C-Series Processor: Pentium 4-M 2.4GHz RAM: 480MB Sound board: SigmaTel C-Major OS: Windows XP latest updates Game name: Daggerfall version 213 Problem: All MIDI emulation is slow. When I try to test the MIDI music in the setup program, the music plays extremely slowly. I …

Re: The Elder Scrolls: Arena in DOS-box 0.63

I'm using the version which is downloadable from BethSoft's website. I did not mount anything. I just used two instances of Windows Explorer. I dragged the INSTALL.EXE file onto the DOSbox executable, and that ran fine. I configured the game's sound settings to be in line with DOSbox's default …

The Elder Scrolls: Arena in DOS-box 0.63

I'm using Windows XP with a fairly modern computer. I simply drag the ARENA.BAT file onto the dosbox executable. I just get a black screen in the dosbox window and nothing happens in it whatsoever. I have tried all kinds of different options, but I always get the same result. I checked to make sure …

Re: Mechwarrior 2 Titanium Trilogy

in Windows
Okay, it installs perfectly fine. But, it doesn't actually run the game. It just goes into 256-color 640x480 mode and then hangs. I can Alt-Tab and close the application just fine, and the system returns to normal. The game does not seem to be the same as the Win95 Pentium version, since the …

Mechwarrior 2 Titanium Trilogy

in Windows
It seems that people have gotten the DOS version of MW2 to work. Has anyone tried to make the Titanium Trilogy work? Is this version the same as the Win95/Pentium version, or is it different?

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