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Re: The Changeling 3dfx Voodoo 5 5500

Thanks, agree its a nice-to-have thing on win98. Now if only there was a way to double the performance, bother Anthony to stop fucking around and make digital out on a 6k series a reality 😁 Filename glide0000.png File size 665.91 KiB Views 1182 views

Re: The Changeling 3dfx Voodoo 5 5500

So Ive been playing System shock 2, which is a d3d title... And had some unpleasant screen tearing. D3d titles seem to defaut to 75hz refresh rate, whats set in the registry. I know this for a while, just now was the time to get to it and change it. I looked if theres a registry value that affects …

Re: Zalman coolers and voodoo 5

I used to love those zalman coolers "back in the day". When I started (so now) the old gpu hoarding process, a local computer store had some still new, ofc I took the vf900 fatality edition... (Same fan as vf700) Well this fan on it, just has a terrible bearing sound profile to it. No matter what …

Re: Unity Runtime Fee

I'm a unity developer for the last many years, from version 4. Nothing changes for my current situation/company, since were on a custom license anyway.... But for me personally, I just don't see it as something I wanna invest my own time developing skills going forward. I've been using unreal for my …

Re: Why does Warcraft 3 list the Nvidia TNT, Ati Rage 128, Voodoo3, Intel i810 as minimum spec cards but requires D3D8?

Offtopic, but to correct my misinformation, before someone belives it. v1.29 works fine(even a bit faster) on a voodoo5 too, the game just defaults to windoved fullscreen, so it runs on one chip only, thats why fps was so low. Adding -nativefullscr to the start option ofc fixes that. Dumbass... …

Re: Why does Warcraft 3 list the Nvidia TNT, Ati Rage 128, Voodoo3, Intel i810 as minimum spec cards but requires D3D8?

If it adds anything, since Im currently playing it.... up to v1.26 "works" on win98, v1.29 needs newer os. In d3d it lags when I move the mouse, not present in opengl. Could be just my configuration. Not sure for in-between versions, 26 is the one to go with anyway. For v1.29 game got an engine …

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