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Re: Do you think prices will stay high?

There's this guy on eBay who wants $888 (starting bid!) for an IBM XT 286 and 5151 monitor together. He wants to charge $240 for shipping. Every time he lists it, it gets 0 bids. Zero. There is an "offer" button, but presumably he is rejecting them all. Every time it runs out with 0 bids, he …

Re: Future nostalgia?

I already feel nostalgic for my first "proper gaming pc" wich i build in an Aerocool case. It was called "Aerocool Aeroengine". Thats a proper name :D I think it was the first series of these cases, and aerocool is still selling a variation of this case today... Before that i had to cut windows in …

Re: Future nostalgia?

Nostalgia... Quite a strange phenomenon. I could never understand why I should yearn for the past. If speaking of vintage computers, I think now is the best time to experience that golden era. You have enough space, time, money and knowledge to play with almost all possible hardware and software of …

Re: Hobbes OS/2 archive says goodbye

ncmark wrote on 2024-01-17, 00:41: It seems like we have a lot of this type of thread lately - things going away, services discontinued, etc Yes, things going away, services discontinued, etc... for the last 50 years or so...

Re: a little retrospective

I wonder what the next step is? All computers must be regularly connected to the internet at least once a week to continue working. Once support ends, it stops activating and you have one week to get all your files off and throw it in the trash. Next step? Next step will be activation of implanted …

Re: Hobbes OS/2 archive says goodbye

weedeewee wrote on 2024-01-12, 07:38: Link is wrong, it's missing an s. https://hobbes.nmsu.edu/archives <- and it's 18G, currently going at <1M/s, 6h to go. I just copypasted what was written on the site and indeed, "s" is missing there.

Re: a little retrospective

... though you seem now to be saying that the conscious chosen actions of other people is like an unchangeable aspect of nature, like rain? i do see your point, there is little one person in 8 billion can do to make something change against a tidal force that is the sum of human actions around the …

Re: a little retrospective

... Well, it seems that we are simply too different. This is how life works, people are different and it is great! Regarding this community and preservation, around three years ago I started collecting vintage computers and this forum was one of the first I found on Google when I was searching for …

Re: a little retrospective

This is a perfect illustrated summary of your 'be happy about accepting the way it is' outlook on life and everything wrong with it: https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/327/eab/f8cceb0a2ed02a54f7bdb127166d0076d6-fine-full.w710.jpg Maybe it's because i recently replayed fallout 3: the pitt but i …

Re: a little retrospective

There may not be such a thing as permanently permanent, but some things are more permanent than others. The text inside the books I used in college has not changed. The code on a CD=ROM install disk does not change. When I turn on a computer not connected to the internet and subject to "updating" I …

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