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Midnight Racing error at launch

With dgvoodoo applied the game shows the following error at launch: "Unable to open video device". The log shows an error regarding enumerating primary device failing. I've attached the log. I don't know if this would help, but in case it's an exe file incompatibility, I've included a hex export.

Re: DOSBox-X branch

I don't understand the question. It's dosbox-x; everything is emulated. If you mean internal voodoo or pass-through, as I mentioned, it's the latter that's having the error.

Re: DOSBox-X branch

I'm using the 64-bit SDL1 VS build. I've installed windows 98 se and the latest Voodoo1 V3.01.00 drivers. I've done the following steps to enable pass-through: 1. Added the following to windows' .conf file: [voodoo] voodoo_card=auto voodoo_maxmem=true glide=true lfb=full_noaux splash=false 2. Copied …

Terrible PCem speed when running Terminator Future Shock

in PC Emulation
Windows 10 64-bit / Ryzen 2600 / PCem v17 Windows 98 SE / P MMX 200 / Voodoo3 Future shock drops the speed to 30-36%. If I walk into a wall and stare at it, it'd jump to 100% though. I can run quake 2 in software mode, even at 1280 x 960, and the speed stays at 100% (+/- 1%). Anyone experienced …

Re: vmware workstation 16.2.3 player WinXp D3D OpenGL

in PC Emulation
I have vmware player 16.2.2 build-19200509 installed, and d3d8/8.1 and 9 acceleration works under XP. I use the d3d8to9 wrapper to get better compatibility and performance with d3d8/8.1 games. I haven't tried 16.2.3 yet, but it'd be really odd if they stopped supporting acceleration under XP in a, …

Re: Hitman Contracts Missing Waterfall Effect

Hello. Could you pls upload the file once more. Sadly, the link doesn´t work anymore. Thank you Always check archive.org. You'd be surprised what gets archived there. Honestly I didn't expect this to work, but it did. https://web.archive.org/web/20210701000000*/http://dege.fw.hu/temp/ …

Re: Windows 98 DirectX Framerate Limiter

in Windows
KCompRoom2000 wrote on 2022-02-19, 08:16: By any chance would the dxfpscap utility work with the PC version of Spiderman (2000) on Windows 9x? Why don't you try it yourself? It's very simple to do. If the game uses ddraw, then it might work.

Stress testing in PCem with HeavyLoad?

in PC Emulation
On my ryzen 2600, I can get away with emulating a pentium MMX 200 in most games on windows 98, but there are cases where I have to go one or two models lower to maintain the emulation speed. It then occurred to me, maybe a stress test program could be a better gauge. I tried prime95 but it throws an …

Re: Disabling voodoo cards' dither pattern in PCem?

in PC Emulation
I have to mention that I don't know enough about old graphics cards' rendering pipelines, or voodoo cards and their features, variables, etc. I know some basics but not much above that. Dither subtraction's something else. It doesn't remove dither, it just attempts to subtract against it so the …

Re: Disabling voodoo cards' dither pattern in PCem?

in PC Emulation
If it were disabled in the emulation, then the voodoo drivers would not be able to validate the card and function. That makes sense. If it's performed by the chip, then the driver expects it. So does that mean "Bilinear filtering" and "Dither subtraction" are RAMDAC features, since they can be …

Disabling voodoo cards' dither pattern in PCem?

in PC Emulation
I don't know if this thread belongs here or in the video card section. Since it is about voodoo in PCem, I suppose here is fine? Please move if it's not. Is there a way to disable the dithering (dots) pattern for a voodoo card? I know about the Screen Filter option, but IINM it's for achieving the " …

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