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Re: DOS Lemmings with Digital Sound Effects?

in Milliways
Hmmn, never had a copy for the Amiga (or any platform other than DOS) - I do understand it's the original/definitive version though. Anyway it's a mystery to me - I'm as sure as I can be that I'm not misremembering... Perhaps it was a special release for the SBPro bundle?

DOS Lemmings with Digital Sound Effects?

in Milliways
Hey folks, hoping someone can help me out; I'm having no luck finding answers elsewhere. I'm practically 100% certain that the Lemmings I played back in the day in DOS had digital sound effects - the creak of the door, the "Oh no!" voice and so on are still vivid in my memory. Sadly my own original …

Re: ESS AudioDrive Volume Settings Not Working

All the cards except for the ES1688 card used the same Dos drivers but the ES1688 had its own same set of files but were probably different in some way. Hmmn, the files I've used for the ES1868 and ES1869 were also different and took different parameters, e.g. for DMA. With the ES186x cards at …


One of my primary retro PCs is a Compaq Deskpro EN P2-400 with an integrated ESS Audiodrive 1869F, however it's always had an annoying issue: FM synthesis doesn't work in DOS regardless of any setting I've found to mess with. Tonight I finally got around to having a look through the datasheet, tried …

A Tale of PCI Woe

Hey all! So I recently began putting together a 486 machine for gaming and programming fun, but I'm having issues with its PCI bus. The motherboard is apparently obscure, but it matches this one . Certainly all jumpers are identical, although this board identifies itself as PU-S7, not PU-S3. I have …

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