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Which computer did you first play Doom on?

in Milliways
Now as for me, I used a Custom built 486DX around 33 Mhz 16 MB RAM Pro Audio Spectrum 16 Windows 95 in DOS mode Good old times, good old times, I played this in 1998, and I was only seven years old, 🤣! How about the rest of you?

Re: My retro 486

Dude... MP3 files, while surfing on the latest Opera? Not even my 2.4 GHZ Celeron with 1.5 gigs of RAM can't do those two without major problems, and I use Norton 2009 daily to scan for viruses... Your pretty lucky man, great job on building that machine, and you say you can surf the web without …

Re: Hi, everyone

One thing, before I get started with the game, how is playing online going to prove possible... I played with one friend at my house via LAN, but how will playing via internet IP will be possible, can someone fill me in with that; thanks! Mike

Re: Dedicated IPXNET server.

An excellent idea you have there, I must admit playing multiplayer via DosBox is pretty fun, and the DosBox emulator has improved greatly over the years, it is now even playable with games that take up a lot of power like Shadow Warrior Duke Nukem 3D , Ultimate Doom , and many others that have came …

Hi, everyone

It's been forever since I last posted, but I was considering DosBox multiplayer, and here is the list of games I have for multiplayer 1) Rise Of The Triad 2) Descent 3) Descent II 4) Ultimate Doom 5) Doom II 6) Shadow Warrior And that's about it for now, if anyone is interested in tagging along, …

Re: Tomb Raider

in DOS
Really?? Cool, but I am still not sure about this, because there is no dosbox support for glidos, and if I run Tomb Raider using VDMSound, it will either crash, or if I set it up successfully, The game will revert back to the desktop if I save the game, why is that?

Re: Tomb Raider

in DOS
The audio pack is not even complete, and there is no way to run Glidos on DOSBox, what the heck, I wasted my money on the trilogy pack, I am just going to get the Playstation version and use smooth texturing, thanks for all of your suggestions, but, I will be heading a different way!

Re: Tomb Raider

in DOS
I tried that too, and the D*** thing will not work, I guess my cd does not have any music, what should I do to get this to work?

Re: Tomb Raider

in DOS
I have the CD in, there is no other way to play it, but have the CD in the drive, so, what could be another possible cause?

Tomb Raider

in DOS
I knew I should of got the Playstation version... Anyway, I am having SO much trouble getting the music working in both VDMSound, and Dosbox, the audio volume is all the way up, so, what am I missing?

?!?! Tomb Raider

Whats going on? I try to play the game on Dosbox, and the speed is perfect, amazingly, but, when I start the exe application, the FMV starts, and I hear tv static, is that just the game, or is there something wrong with my dosbox configuration???

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