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Re: Need for speed 3 Hot Pursuit on Win98SE

Hard to believe you are having that one issue with so many different pieces of hardware, the ONLY thing left to ask... what PSU are you using? Frequent crashes and freezing, especially under load (gaming), is usually a telltale sign of a bad unit or else it's flat out not providing the steady/ …

Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
Not much gaming lately with the oldy but goody rig in my sig.... i've been using my more modern and powerful rig on a daily basis, and my old school favorites to date is DOOM ULTIMATE/DOOM2/FINAL DOOM using the GZDOOM Brutalv21 mod, much better eye candy graphics and hilarious game play shinanagins …

Re: What do you drive?

in Milliways
This is my truck, it's a 1990 Chevrolet C1500. This photo was taken by my Father before I purchased it from him. He called me one day and said "I want to sell the blue truck on Kijiji", so I went there and bought it from him. Nice peice, but that truck is 30yrs old, now considered a classic, smog …

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