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Re: FastDoom. A new Doom port for DOS, optimized to be as fast as possible for 386/486 personal computers!

Maybe I'm missing something, but I've never heard of refresh rate being tied to the thickness of scanlines. Think of drawing on newspaper type paper with a felt-tip or fibre-tip pen, if you draw a line fast, it's thin, if you draw it slow it's thick where the ink soaks in. It's kinda the same with …

Re: Do you think prices will stay high?

I can usually finagle 20% or so off the buy it now price, but sometimes I'll find a seller who won't accept offers that are even slightly lower. What's the point of making your item OBO if you do that? Hah, I've challenged ppl before on the use of words like "OBO" "Mint" etc, and got back snotty …

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