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Suspend/Restore patch

Hi everyone, I have written a patch against dosbox-cvs dated from 2004/03/31. I probably won't fiddle with it any longer, but if you want to play with this here is the patch attached. I do not have a clue if it compiles with windows. I don't know if it will patch the current cvs version. Since it …

Re: 'cycles' autodetection

I think the general problem here is that dosbox cannot know when the dos-program is really doing something sensible or just waiting for time to pass (or if the dos program runs at 300 frames/sec). dos programs typically don't signal information about their state.

Re: Gamma correction: simple implementation

I read the wikipedia.org article on "Gamma_correction". So, here's my interpretation: let's say your r,g,b values are in variables named r,g,b (in range [0;255]) and your desired gamma correction value for each of the colors is gamma_r,gamma_g,gamma_b . Then, you should draw a gamma corrected pixel …

Re: 16-Bit VESA graphics?

I don't think that would help much, because 64 bit doesn't affect the processor's speed. 64 bit just means the processor's registers are 64 bit wide, i.e. you can store values from 0 to 2^64 -1 in one register. operations using these registers should be as fast as on a 32 bit cpu, unless the data …

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