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BIOS interrupt 13h first read call with MS-DOS 3.3?

in DOS
I'm getting the following results for this first read to the floppy: CS: 0 IP: 7D74 DS: 0 ES: 0 SS: 0 AX: 0201 BX: 0 CX: 8E3C DX: 0 SP: 7bF2 BP: 0 SI: 102B DI: 7C36 Flags: 0206 OPCode: INT 13h Anyone can tell me if this is correct and how to decode this information to the floppy CHS format? (AX=0201 …

MIDI file playback using the MPU-401?

I'm currently testing my MPU emulation (which is the Dosbox mpu.cpp as the 'front-end' and my own MIDI emulation (everything producing sound and processing the MIDI commands send to the output) as the 'backend'. I'm currently trying to get my .mid file playback correctly. I do get sound, but it …

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