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GEM Desktop 1.2 or Windows 2.10?

I have an Epson Equity LT and I upgraded to ms-dos 6.22 and I was wondering which would be best for it (NEC V30 cpu, 640kb of ram, 20mb hard disk, cga monochrome screen), GEM Desktop 1.2 or Windows 2.10? I know 3.0 also runs on 8086 cpus (pf which the v30 is a clone of) but when I tried it earlier …

CGA compatibility for apogee games?

I know that some games like Monuments of Mars ran on CGA and some games like commander keen's goodbye galaxy games had CGA versions but what about the other games like crystal caves, secret agent, duke nukem and duke nukem 2? I've heard the first commander keen trilogy won't run on cga hardware. Is …

Re: Video card on Compaq Portable 286?

I figure I'll try with other games once I am bothered to get a 3 inch floppy disk drive in there, those 5 inch floppies are REALLY old and most of them are corrupted. That and one of the floppies happened to be infected with the Stoned virus and like an idiot I got my only boot floppy infected as …

Video card on Compaq Portable 286?

I bought a Compaq Portable 286 saturday and I'm pretty happy with it. I am using an old LCD tv and I'm curious and slightly confused, from my memories CGA is like monochrome or 4 crappy colors, and I'm playing Leisure Suit Larry (one of the floppies I was given with the portable) and it's pretty …

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