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Re: YouTube's Seriously Awful New Change

in Milliways
Why is this even an issue? I tried DDG for a while recently, but unfortunately it uses that infuriating "load more results as you scroll down" system, with no pagination, so it's a no-go for me. https://duckduckgo.com/lite/ Using inferior and spyware web crawlers like Google was a sign of weakness …

Re: 386 Networking

Another option is MS Network Client, which allows you to mount shared folders on a Windows machine to a drive letter and access it like a second harddrive. It eats a lot of memory though. I run a FreeBSD NFS server, and all my DOS computers connect to it with a DOS NFS client called XFS. …

Re: What do you miss about the old web (internet)?

in Milliways
It's easy to shake your cane and whinge about kids on your lawn and the fancy-shmancy social media features you don't like, but let's be honest, the web used to be crap. In the bad old days of "web directories" and crude search engines like AltaVista and Webcrawler, it was tough to find quality …

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