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Re: VOGONS: The Next Frontier

in Milliways
I like the fifth one, because 1. I like the ones with background and 2. it looks the brightest to me Another note: I like the new design - it looks a lot like a cheap 70's porn logo :-) I don't like the "very old games..." style. Very hard to read on all versions [edit: Actually I meant the sixth …

Re: BSoD in some DOS games

Your memory passes which test? If it is not http://www.memtest86.com/ you tested with, don't be too sure, Also I had many bluescreens because of bad Soundblaster drivers and/or bad memory. As I read you have an Audigy and those drivers were my problem. So try to get the latest it may improve your …

Re: Ultima 8 Pagan

in DOS
sound effects and speech are not working on NT based Windows OS (Nt, 2k, XP). No mater what you do. Wait some more for Pentagram http://pentagram.sf.net

Re: Ultima 3

in Milliways
Seems you need to wait, wait, wait and wait (nothing about levels according to: http://groups.google.at/groups?q=boat+pirate+group:rec.games.computer.ultima.series&hl=de&lr=&ie=UTF-8&selm=jn5e3t0rha3ibnk0odanqtr8abpa2s8q6p%404ax.com&rnum=2 ) Some more on it on http://groups.google.at/groups?hl=de&lr …

Re: Ultima 3

in Milliways
I seem to remember that for boats to appear you have to have reached some level. Could be wrong though. I'm certain there was a discussion about this in the dragons newsgroups. Google usenet searching ultima3, boat in rec.games.computer.ultima.dragon and rgcu.series

Re: About Crusader No Regret/Remorse

in DOS
Sure I'll keep an eye on it (after all I'm the guy whop is supposed to write the documentation and the FAQ once it is in a more useable state). There is a mapviewer code/binary (win32) snapshot at the Exult download page if you care to test it somewhat. http://exult.sourceforge.net/download.php

Re: Wing Commander Privateer sound problem

in DOS
he he, I was just about to enter thaz link myself. Memtest86 is great. It soved one of the mysteries of my computer when I thought my HD was going bust. Turned out one of my RAM sticks was bad and was doing all kind of weird stuff to my PC... The downside is that I'm now only running 256 MB and at …

About Crusader No Regret/Remorse

in DOS
Sorry for posting ina new thread but I'd like to add something wihtout searching all over the board. go to http://pentagram.sf.net Pentagram aims to make it possible to play all Ultima 8-engine-based games on modern computers and OS. This is from a bunch of the Exult-team. So far the engine is just …

Re: ULTIMA 6 sound

in DOS
for music you have to choose the sound device in the install of Ultima6. For sound effects you are screwed as ultima6 only uses pc-speakers. Only workaround is to use Dosbox. *** Why doesn't Vlad implement pc-speaker emulation in Vdms? (I know he stated his reasons ages ago but I forgot). ***

Re: Sound Card List

Don't forget that there is a Creative SB AWE 64 (in various layouts) that is Dos compatible as well. I own one and I used to get Ultima 7 to play with this card. Though I think the difference between the AWE32 and AWE64 is the same as between Audigy I/II :) Anyway is there one PCI card that is fully …

Re: Ultima Underworld 2

I'm pretty sure that it must have worked as that is exactly how it behaves pre-patching. Unless you are "blessed" with one of those machines that don't have ems working for some strange reason (like my laptop).

Re: Virtual PC 5 oddity

DosFreak: clean autoexec/config? You mean like nothing in it? Or what do you load? And is this with the PC-Dos that comes with VPC? Or which flavour of Dos? I can't get it to start at all

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