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Re: Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow

in Windows
Komat, you are a god for this, seriously I never thought the first two Splinter Cell games would get love for fixing but it seems that you are the answer for making these games work properly again. Once you finish fixing Pandora Tomorrow and hopefully try to fix the first game, we will now have the …

Re: What game are you playing now?

On the NOT SO retro side, been really into S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl now that I got it to run smoother on my current desktop (Had stuttering issues for some reason), and having the gunplay finally click with me after giving up in frustration the last few times I played it. Really is a …

Re: XP-era games that have trouble running on Win7/8

in Windows
The only game at the top of my head that will not work is the disc copies of Beyond Good & Evil, they flat out REFUSE to install thanks to the game being riddled with copy protection. I can not remember which scheme it used, but I believe it was either Starforce or TAGES.

Re: What game are you playing now?

On the NOT SO retro side, been really into S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl now that I got it to run smoother on my current desktop (Had stuttering issues for some reason), and having the gunplay finally click with me after giving up in frustration the last few times I played it. Really is a …

Re: DirectX6 and lower issues in Windows XP SP3

in Windows
Stay away from any 1xx.xx drivers as they have the worst DX 6 support ever! Use only the 25x.xx and 26x.xx series. Thanks to this and my own searching, I found the proper driver and the flickering is completely gone. Thanks to those who helped, it is nice to put this laptop to use again for a …

DirectX6 and lower issues in Windows XP SP3

in Windows
I am having issues with an older laptop that I repurposed for XP games, it has this strange issue where the game will flicker for a bizarre reason. Trying out games like Motocross Madness leads to this issue and I am trying to figure out why it is doing this. Is there any fix for this or is this a …

Re: The Pirate Bay Shut Down

most of Epic's pre Unreal catalogue I still have hope that someone out there will be able to offer Epic's classic games catalogue once again. There used to be a site called Epic Classics that did this, but they suddenly vanished between late 2012 and early 2013; it used to look like this , but now …

Re: Poll: most annoying game controls

Might get some hate from people but I could never get into the controls for Die By The Sword, both the VSIM and arcade controls never worked well for me. It controlled well enough, sure, but it just felt a bit clunky at times, too much for my liking anyways. Shame since I generally liked the …

Re: What game are you playing now?

Been playing Half-Life again after watching an episode from The Examined Life of Gaming talking about how good the first game really is compared to the often praised second game. Have to agree with Roland on this one, the first game really was something that the second game, while still a pretty …

Re: The Pirate Bay Shut Down

If this happened in 2009 I would have had a massive hissy fit, but as an adult that can actually go out and get media from there with a paycheck, it doesn't really bother me too terribly. If I do pirate any goods, it is usually older DOS or Windows games that are near impossible to acquire legally …

Re: Life Advice?

Hey everyone, I wanted to post and say thanks to the words and things cleared up after posting here, I am currently going to start working very soon and I have a car coming to me with the license test happening as soon as I get it. I am looking into getting therapy since when I got down, I hit hard …

Re: Life Advice?

Hey everyone, I wanted to post and say thanks to the words and things cleared up after posting here, I am currently going to start working very soon and I have a car coming to me with the license test happening as soon as I get it. I am looking into getting therapy since when I got down, I hit hard, …

Re: Life Advice?

Go out, do some sports at least three times a week (on your own or guided in a group)... get a driving licence. Stop worrying as usually everything turns out OK. Look at this as a temporary phase and just move on... don't worry about girls, this is usually also over emphasized and analysed... about …

Re: Life Advice?

To give some more info, and to kind of give a better idea of the situation, I am currently twenty-two who has an Associates degree looking for work with no success, still living with the folks, and can not get help in the living situation I am in. I mentioned about the vehicle, which may or may not …

Re: Life Advice?

To give some more info, and to kind of give a better idea of the situation, I am currently twenty-two who has an Associates degree looking for work with no success, still living with the folks, and can not get help in the living situation I am in. I mentioned about the vehicle, which may or may not …

Life Advice?

Hey there Vogons community, I wanted to post a thread that is not completely related to retro computing and gaming... well kinda. I need some life advice, how can I deal with depression when the usual thing that helped me in the past, playing with my DOS related stuff and being around friends is not …

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