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Re: NTVDM fixes

in Milliways
I'm still not quite sure how that helps us... The fixes are only in relation to the DJGPP compiler...

Re: NTVDM fixes

in Milliways
I'm not sure I follow... DJGPP is a DOS port of the GNU C Compiler and all that site says is that its been updated to work properly under an NT/2k/XP VDM...

Re: How to get Adlib sound support on WinMe?

in DOS
Well, I've fixed it... sort of. I don't know if you'll remember (or even saw the post) but I while back I mentioned that the LiveWare 3 upgrade killed my DOS drivers stone cold dead and I was never able to figure out why. Well, guess what... I got it working again by using the LiveWare 2 drivers …

Re: How to get Adlib sound support on WinMe?

in DOS
OK, I downloaded the drivers Stiletto linked to, extracted them, modified the autoexec.bat and config.sys files to load the SB Emulation and now it own't work. Some games will detect it just fine but others will complain that the Sound Blaster isn't responding on the selected port. I've checked and …

Re: Re: From Ken Again

in DOS
There is a fixPOPF bug if you are 1) running XP 2) you installed "Update 1" on top of VDMSound v2.04 3) you installed the GUI and 4) if you used the GUI (or the GUI's VLP shortcut) to launch a BUILD game (or certain other games). Try using the right-click "Run with VDMS" shortcut that does not have …

Re: Blood on W2K and XP

in GliDOS General
Also, I used no sound. To get sound on say an SBLive ! card, you have to choose "Sound Blaster", then choose "Change Sound card Type" and select "Soundblaster 2.0". Then use only 8 or 16 voices and only 22khz. That sounds suspiciously like the info needed to access XPs inbuilt SB emulation. …

Re: LAN In XP?

in PC Emulation
Actually, that sounds like pretty normal behaviour for the LaunchPad (suggestion: split these posts off and move them to VDMSound general). It's creating temporary startup and ini files based on the options selected in the launcher and then passing them on to the VDMS engine when you execute them. …

Re: 3D API Compatibility List - By Snover

BUG! The apostrophe character ' is not parsed correctly. Any game name with an apostrophe will not be entered. At least in IE6. :) I I recall, thats a PHP issue and not an IE one. PHP Nuke has the same problem, any changes to the preferences will not save until you go through and eliminate the …

Re: How to get Adlib sound support on WinMe?

in DOS
nonono, read the post again. I don't want them under 2000, I want them under DOS. I wasn't even trying to install them under 2000 (I got rid of it a year ago) I was just using the APCOMPAT tool that comes on the CD because it offered a quick and easy fix to the problem I thought I was having.

Re: LAN In XP?

in PC Emulation
When dealing with IPX networking make absolutely sure that the IPX frame type (buried somewhere in the IPX property sheet, I can't remember where) is both the same on all the machines you're trying to connect and set to something other than "Auto" (although Ethernet 802.2 or 802.3 are probably …

Re: LAN In XP?

in PC Emulation
Ummm.. VDMSound Launchpad has something about networking in it, but I don't remember what it does, how it works, what it can be used for, etc. You'd think that someone would have made a work-around for some of these DOS games that networked already... Yep, its under "Enable low-level network …

Re: How to get Adlib sound support on WinMe?

in DOS
Good news! My dad found the SBLive! driver installation CD! Amazingly enough, the DOS drivers have their own separate installation program! Enjoy! (Self-extracting RAR archive) Question: Are these "real" DOS drivers (can be run with *any* Windows present) or do they need all that CTSYN crap to be …

Re: Windows Longhorn screenshots

in Milliways
meh... I fail to see what the big deal is there, it's not like you own the software in the first place. I actually considered taking MS up on their Office subscription offer at one point (before I read they'd cancelled it due to numbnuts not realising it was an ongoing thing). The way I saw it you …

Re: blood on glidos

in GliDOS General
You know, I never recall having the reverb issue in either SW (although this may be because I only had the demo back when I ran 98) or DN3D on my SBLive! is there anything in particular that causes it?

Re: My neverending upgrade project

I've sold my DVD hollywoord plus.. though i regret that a little, it has superior quality over my TV-out on the Geforce. And u can watch avi files through some sort of hack! heh, I only bought mine because I wanted decent TV-out. Watching movies on a computer monitor sucks donkey balls. And I hate …

Re: blood on glidos

in GliDOS General
Damn... Scratch that then... This is getting ridiculous, just what is it that SW does differently to Duke3D, Blood and Redneck Rampage (although I've only tested demos of the last two but I highly doubt the full verisons would be much different) with the sound code?

Re: blood on glidos

in GliDOS General
While we're sort of on the subject, Glidos leaves the audio code alone any only affects the graphics right? With that being the case, if you were to get the 3Dfx Shadow Warrior working I'd still have the same stuttery sound as the regular, software SW, wouldn't I?

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