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Re: tualatin motherboard

Alright, so I admit my Aopen exposure is limited to the crappy/cheap in-house builds that a local computer retailer churned out.. and that I had to fix later on. I'll take all y'all's word for it that they actually made decent stuff.. even though I never saw any of it. :D Anyway, I still think that …

Re: PortableApps

in Milliways
I like the idea, but I personally don't have much need for the programs. If I had to work from public computers then I could see using them more. So far, the only thing I've found useful is the legacy versions of Firefox -- there's one site that I go to that uses old security and newer browsers …

Re: DOS FPS: Anyone actually use the mouse for moving?

in Milliways
Not to me it doesn't. My left hand is the least coordinated one and I can't make precise movements in games with it to save my life. It's like asking me to write left-handed, or to use the mouse with my left hand. It feels completely wrong to me. I know what you need.. http://i.imgur.com/zwSjh.gif …

Re: spartan technologies

in Milliways
The reviews are old, but it seems like they aren't very trustworthy anymore: http://www.resellerratings.com/store/Spartan_Technologies If they're mostly selling "pulls" and old tech then I wonder why they haven't just migrated to eBay. I guess they can get away with scamming people if they remain …

Re: spartan technologies

in Milliways
Holy crap, man! I didn't realize they were still around. I think I ordered some PC100 RAM from them back in 1998. So, sorry, I guess I don't have anything worthwhile to add. 😉

Re: DOS FPS: Anyone actually use the mouse for moving?

in Milliways
I knew a guy who played Wolf3D with a mouse. That was back in 1994, I think -- back before anyone knew any better. I can remember playing Terminator: Future Shock for the first time and being so confused by the mouse look. Then Quake came along.. I can only guess that designers had trackballs in …

Re: Posting from 1996 system!

in Milliways
My favorite look from back then would be the Watercolor appearance used on some of the beta versions of Windows XP. I found a pretty good implementation of it for systems with a patched uxtheme.dll simply called Watercolor Lite. I had no idea what you were talking about, so I found this here : …

Re: Posting from 1996 system!

in Milliways
2001 was bad all around. I think OSX (10.0) looked a little toy-ish back then, too: Maybe I'm just biased because I think their machines looked like toys, too. 😉

Re: Juink, Junk, Junk

in Milliways
On the other hand - where do you draw the line? How old is too old? I have a friend still using a 90-MHz pentium, a 700-Mb drive, and DOS/Win 3.1. He makes the argument it does everything he needs to do (word processing). But you can't even burn a CD on a system like that! I think you answered it …

Re: Posting from 1996 system!

in Milliways
GXL750 wrote: Right now, I'm actually posting this from a circa 2000 Compaq Deskpro I have plugged into my TV serving as an internet terminal, youtube player and stereo system. Buh.. what CPU do you have in that thing? It can handle YouTube videos?

Re: Ancient DOS Games Webshow

How to pronounce Wolfenstein: http://www.forvo.com/word/wolfenstein/ German pronounciation tends to confuse me and everyone I grew up with (and even some other reviewers I've watched online) said "Wolfenstein" the way I did in the video, so I figured it was correct and didn't bother looking it up. …

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