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Re: Debugger development

I undesrtand the abusing of the call stack. But I'm surprised that my system only got 1 call or none. I'll do some debugging to see if my target game abuses it to that point. From what I saw in the assembly, we should have more calls than that though.\ Here is another VOGONs thread concerning DOSBox …

Re: Debugger development

I've playing around with your base code and this is what I've done: - Memory search seems complete: -> You can do the following : MEMSEARCH seg:off len A B C D where A B C D are hexadecimal values that are contained in a character each MEMSEARCH seg:off len s Hey how are you doing? Where with an …

Re: Debugger development

- To stop the code when a file is opened (for the moment the debugger sees it when it is opened but I'd like to be able to stop it at that point) I usually try a "bpint 21 3d" first as that catches most stuff. Otherwise place a DEBUG_EnableDebugger(); in the dosbox sources where file opening is …

Debugger development

Dear all, I'm currently working on my game project called backtoroots which is a port of the old Ultima engines. Anyhow, part of the work is actually decoding the old formats used for these games and this is where the dosbox debugger comes in. It's already really good and my hat goes to whoever …

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