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Re: List the PC games that you have beaten

Star Wars: Dark Forces on medium difficulty. Yet another one I didn't finish on its original release. I enjoyed this a lot, the large scale levels really capture the feel of star wars universe. It took me ages to finish due to the lack of saving during missions. I might play the other games in the …

ZMBV playback no video

I am using DOSBox SVN Daum and I want to capture some video footage from games. I right clicked the install movie codec shortcut and ran it as administrator. The install looked like it had worked and add/remove now shows both 32 and 64 bit zmbv codec as installed. If I look in the capture folder I …

Re: List the PC games that you have beaten

Outlaws on “Bad” (middle skill). I did the single player campaign, 5 historical missions and then the 4 missions from the Handful of Missions add-on. I only had the demo of this back in the day that I downloaded online (probably from c-net). I only bought the full game recently when I found the …

Re: List the PC games that you have beaten

The Operative: No One Lives Forever GOTY edition on normal difficulty. I enjoyed this one quite a lot despite it now feeling dated, I bought it on release but didn't complete it back then. Playing through it now I was reminded of other shooters set in the real world like Sin and GoldenEye. The …

Re: List the PC games that you have beaten

Far Cry 4 on medium difficulty. I was going for 100% but I gave due to boredom and bugs at around 93%. I enjoyed the core campaign and outpost capturing a lot. Its a shame its so similar to 3. There isn't anything wrong with that as 3 was also great, but I liked how 1-3 each looked and played …

Re: List the PC games that you have beaten

On Halloween I re watched the first two Alien films in a double bill at my local multiplex. I enjoyed them a lot, this inspired me to play a game in the franchise. I would have played Alien: Isolation but I am waiting for a price drop (with luck the steam Christmas sale). So I played through Aliens: …

Re: List the PC games that you have beaten

Doom II: Hell on Earth on hurt me plenty difficulty. I ran this via chocolate doom with a real sound canvas for music. This sequel takes the original game and tweaks it to perfection. I am reading the book Masters of Doom and its made me appreciate the game even more.

Re: List the PC games that you have beaten

Crysis Warhead on normal skill. Pretty much a stand alone expansion to the first game. Just like Crysis battling the soldiers is fun & battling the aliens not so much. The graphics still look great but the cut scenes are overly dramatic and can drag on. The game-play is a little more linear this …

Re: List the PC games that you have beaten

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter. I really enjoyed this mystery adventure game. The graphics and music create an immersive foreboding atmosphere and the story is compelling. The Puzzles are not very hard and the game is quite short but it was still a memorable experience. A great game to play this time …

Re: List the PC games that you have beaten

Just finished Mirror's Edge I really enjoyed its stylish visuals and fluid game-play. I wasn’t so keen on its poor quality cut scenes, clichéd story and lacking combat system. But they don’t detract too much from the main game-play. I look forward to the sequel.

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